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"What is Law number 1524?" I asked as I read from our book.

"Let me guess.... Law number 1524 is equal to donuts!" Jimin yawned as he slammed his head on the table, his braincells slowly dying.

"Listen, you haven't gotten a single point since 5 hours ago, let's just call it a day," I said as I closed the book and placed it on the table.

We were currently in the library, and I needed to clear my mind out from the various events that happened a few hours ago. And it was already 3 in the afternoon.

And all I did was hang with Jimin.

"Yeah, it is kinda late, and I have to run some errands for my parents, so I'll go first," Jimin replied as he took his book from the table and placed it inside his bag before slinging it on his shoulder.

"Call me when you get home," he told me before walking towards the exit of the library.

I sighed deeply before zipping my bag up, standing up and following Jimin's footsteps before turning the doorknob and walking outside before closing it.

I walk to the main hall and towards the doors of the school before opening it.

I started to make my way out of the campus, my feet taking to where I longed to be go in for 5 days.

The cold breeze from the afternoon hit my skin and the skies were painted orange and pink with a tint of blue as I was on my way towards the subway, since my destination was a tad bit far from my school.


My mind was clouded with many thoughts as I stepped out of the subway. I was already in Hongdae and it was certainly quiet. I made my way to the main streets.

My feet lead me to the Seoul Police Station before pushing the doors open, grabbing the attention of all the policemen and women with a jingle of a bell.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" A policewoman approached me, her nametag was Bae Soujin.

"Hello Ms. Bae, I'm looking for Prosecutor Park Jinyoung, can you tell me where he is?" I ask her.

She gives me a small smile before gesturing towards the hallway at the very farther end.

"Just go straight ahead and turn left, then you'll see his office near the Violent Crimes Unit," Ms. Bae replied and I nodded before following her directions, walking towards the office to where Prosecutor Park was.

My feet lead me infront of his office, a sign hung there saying Park Jinyoung, Prosecutor's office.

I knocked twice on the door before opening it slowly, peeking inside to see Mr. Park.

He was wearing his classy glasses, his left leg crossed on his right leg as his plump lips portruded, his eyes scanning the paperwork infront of him.

"Prosecutor Park?" I called as I sat infront of him on the chair he had infront of his desk.

"Hmm? How may I help... oh... Aehye," Jinyoung replied and his eyes darkened as he looked at me, the atmopshere starting to get gloomy and cold, his actions coming to a halt.

"Prosecutor, I want to see my cousin," I said as I looked at him.

"Aehye, I'm sorry to say this. But he might be under investigation, I get that he's your cousin and all, but we need to consider your safety first," he explained as he looked at me.

"I promise I'll rake responsibility for whatever may happen to me when I'm with him, just please... let me see him, I trust him and I miss him," I pleaded as I looked at him in the eyes.

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