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Black feather?

"I know you have it, Aehye. The black feather, hand it over," he says as he places his hand out.

"H-how do you know I have a black feather with me?" I ask him and he gives me a sarcastic smile, almost growing impatient.

"Sometimes, I have eyes like how death flashes in one's eyes," he replied.

"Why? Do you know anything about the feather?" I asked.

"I can't tell you everything, but you need to know some things," he explained. I slumped my shoulders and slid my backpack off, my fingers trailed toward the zipper before opening it, taking the black feather out.

I picked the tip off with my index finger and thumb before placing it on his open palm.

"Do you know why I trust you, Aehye?" He asks and the black feather stood, floating in his open palm and my eyes widened.

"Because you're a one of a kind woman," he spoke as his eyes glowed yellow the black feather dancing on his palms, the wind gathering around us, blowing a cold tune.

"And you have something, engraved in your heart and soul," he says and I stayed silent, listening to him intently as the feather kept dancing on his palm, floating as if it was magic.

"But you can't see it," he says as the black feather suddenly glows.

I stared at the glowing feather, my eyes widened as I looked back up at Namjoon's glowing yellow eyes.

The black feather started to shine, a click of fire was on it's tip, making it's way to the very top. My eyes widened as the feather started to wither, grains of ash seeping out of his hand in where the feather was placed. It was shining and glimmering through the dark night.

"If you see it's ashes falling out it's window, then burn it until it's all gone," he says as he looks down at his handiwork, the feather slowly turning into golden ashes.

"You are destined for something that leads to the awakening of life and death," he says as he looks up at me.

As the feather slowly withered, all that was left on the grass was the pile of ashes before Namjoon's feet.

"I want you to see what is under those ashes," Namjoon ordered, and I gave him a slight nod. There was weird tingle in me, and that was to not disobey him in what he is telling me. I think it's because of how intimidating he looks at the moment.

I get on my knees and my hands place themselves on the pile of ashes from the black feather, my hands start to dig the pile until my eyes caught something.

A golden, yellow, and round pocketwatch sits there.

I take the golden strap of the pocketwatch and place it's body on my open palm, it was ticking slowly on the number 1.

I stand up on my feet, my eyes glued on the golden watch as I look back at Namjoon.

"What is this? Why are you giving this to me?" I ask him and he gives me a sly grin.

"Pretty, don't you think?" He asks as he bounces his brow, giving me a slight nod.

There was a small silence between me and the black-cloaked man.


He gives me a small smile before raising his left arm, his eyes glowing yellow once more as I felt my body being moved by a strong force.

And my eyes closed as I felt the touch of liquid engulfing me, my body starting to get heavier, my body was getting dragged as if I was a magnet, going deeper and deeper into God-knows-where. The water filling my lungs as I tried to gasp for air. My hair floating in middle of the water as I felt the light slowly disappearing.

I fell into the Sanzu River.

And I felt nothing but darkness.


"Now, explain this," Mingyu said as he pointed to a figure of a man that was dressed in a brown suit.

"How many times have I told you?! That man is not me!" I hissed at him.

"You punk! Be honest!" Hyunjin, the Section Head said as he grabbed my collar. His eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

"I am being honest! I can prove my innocence!" I shot back.

"Coming from a the only victim who survived this case, the fact that the killings stopped when you were already arrested, and the scannings from the surveillance cameras had a clear footage of you in the crime scene is enough for us to say you're already guilty, even if the court hasn't announced it yet," Jinyoung said calmly as he tipped his glasses down, a coffee on his right hand.

We were in the interrogation room. I was seated on the other side while Jinyoung was seated on the opposite while Hyunjin was beside me.

"Listen, if I were guilty I wouldn't be working overtime! For fuck's sake, I have my cousin, who is like a daughter to me, to place food on the table for! I don't have time to do that! And I would never have the heart to do so!" I yelled at Jinyoung as I looked at him.

"Listen Seokjin, save your so-called claims for later. But just so you know, we have evidence, but for now, we'll lock you up in the cells," Jinyoung replied as he closed his laptop, his tongue poking his inner cheek.

Suddenly, the door opened with a loud swing, and a panting male was standing on the door frame, his body and hair drenched in sweat.

"Young man? What brings you here? This is a restricted area for police only," Mingyu said as he spoke behind the glass screen.

"Officer! This is urgent!" He scrambles as he looks at the officers who had their attention on him.

"We're listening," Jinyoung said as he placed his leg over his other leg, staring at the boy.

"I would like to file a case for a missing person,

My friend, Choi Soobin is missing."



Vote oR bE bALd


Anyway, idk what's happening here either but just follow my lead lolol

(Gonna post early cuz i might be a bit late when I do tomorrow ^^)

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