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"Hyungggg! Let's go and get ice cream!" The taller and younger man said as he tackled me, my body still wrapped around the duvet.

"For death's sake it's been 2 fuc- I mean fudging days where people wake me up," I mumble under the duvet as I turn to the other side, grumbling.

"But hyunnggg! You told me you'd come with me today! You p-promised me... y-you won't break it... right?" Kai said as straddled my waist, shaking my body.

"Kai, let me sleep, please," I said as I turned my back, making him stumble and land on the bed.

"H-hyung... y-you said y-you w-won't b-b-break your promise," Kai said as I heard a snifle come out of his mouth, and my eyes widened as I felt the cold air suddenly hit my body.

Kai swiftly yanked my blanket, and I covered my important parts in an instinct as the air exposed me.

"You sleep in Ryan boxers hyung?" Kai asked as he tilted his head at him.

"You sleep in Dora underwear, but am I complaining?" I mumbled back and I looked at him as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Come on hyung! Wake up and let's go- ah! oW!" Kai suddenly yelped and my eyes flung open as I looked at him.

The young boy was beside me, clutching his head as he laid himself on the other side of the bed.

"Kai! Huening Kai! What happened? Why did you suddenly get hurt?" I asked as I jumped out of the bed, not caring if I was still in my boxers as I scrambled towards him, fixing his position on the bed.

"Ach! You're burning hot as well!" I exclaimed as I looked at him who was tossing and turning in pain.

Then, Kai suddenly opened his eyes, and he looked at me with his glowing and green eyes. His eyes started to pool with tears as the pain was unbearable.

"H-hyung!" He yelled and I ran towards him, maintaining a small distance at him as he looked at me, clutching his head.

"I-it's the past...

.....the past has changed hyung."


-Land of the Dead-

"File for Choi Soobin, he did not make it here so he is eliminated from his existence," the man said as he scanned the different papers, glasses sitting on his nosebridge.

"Listen deity, I have something to ask you," the man dressed in black said as he sat across the man who was sifting through the files.

"Sure, ask away," the deity replied montonously as he looked at him.

"Who is this... sinner? I heard even the angels know him, and the grim reaper knows him... I've heard his story, but it doesn't sit right with me," the man in black explained, licking the lip ring that sat on his bottom lip as he did so.

"You see, a sinner is the man who has sinned against the Almighty. That sin is inforgivable or is really sacred. But I guess not everyone has heard the story of this amazing sinner," the deity replied as he lifted his glasses up.

"Listen, does this mean Taehyung is a dark spirit? Or whatever? I heard he grows dark wings, he must be a spirit that has been turned into something evil, right?" Yoongi asked, looking at the man who sat infront of him.

"I'm in no place to tell you about what I should say about that, Yoongi," the deity replied as he looked at the man.

"He must be one, right? My knuckles have been itching since I heard about him, something is really bad about him! I can sense it!" Yoongi said as he looked at the deity.

"Look, Yoongi, I'm just a mere deity, I talk to the Almighty and I do what the Almighty tells me to do. I'm not in the place to confirm those for you," the deity replied.

"Alright, deity," he rolled his eyes as hr looked at him who was seated on the chair with a desk.

"You can call me Seonghwa, too," he said and Yoongi groaned as he stood up from his seat.

Suddenly, Seonghwa lifted his head up, his eyes narrowing as he looked around, and Yoongi stared at the weird deity that was seated infront of him.

"The air feels weird....," Seonghwa trailed off as he licked his bottom lip, he tipped his black fedora as he looked at the man infront of him.

"It seems like the pocketwatch is telling us something..."


The world was spinning.

Well, my world.

I felt my hands shaking and I looked around as I let out deep breaths, my left part of my chest starting to hurt as I gritted my teeth.

Suddenly, the rush of memories started to flood inside of my head, the smiles, the laughter, the happiness that I once lost was growing like a sprout put in fresh soil.

I looked around the room, and everything was spinning. It didn't feel right but it felt right. I sighed deeply as I felt like all the heaviness and regrets I carried in the back of my body is beginning to become more lighter.

What... what is this?

But still, as I feel much more lighter, my clouded thoughts freeing me up a bit, I can't help but to feel this pain in my heartless chest.

The feeling of resentness.

Why, why do I feel this way?

A tear rolled down my cheek as I clutched my chest, that part becoming to feel much more hollow.

It feels like I still carry this curse even if I feel happier, even if I feel.... like the same me.

That prince that lived thousands of years ago, that traitor who took thousands of lives.

And here I am, still taking innocent lives. Living under this curse while killing my father who has suffered different lives with me.

"So, how does it feel to be like that?"




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Anyway, I put some clues 👀

And pls drink lots of water and don't skip meals! ❤

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