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"Jang Aehye....

Can you... stay for a bit?"

He faces me, his eyes landing on mine before giving me a small pout that was sitting on his lips.

"Wh-what? You want me to stay?" I asked him, my eyes widening, almost choking on my own saliva.

He gives me a subtle nod, before gesturing me towards somewhere in his hanok.

"My hyungs are always busy, I never really talk to them alot. Woo-shik would be out to Goguryeo or Baekje or even going to visit with some foreigners, and Seojoon and Hyung Sik would be working," Taehyung explained as he sat on his chair, his arms crossed as he looks over to me, his expression soft and sulky.

The Kim Taebitch wants me to stay?

Woah, I thought it would never happen.

"Fine, just because you look desperate, I'll stay for a bit," I roll my eyes before crossing my arms, looking at him.

"Really?! Thank you! I needed a friend!" He smiles widely, a boxy smile plastered on his face before grabbing my arm, pulling me towards him.

"Since you're my friend now, you need to follow me!" Taehyung says as he drags me with him, tugging my arm to one section in the hanok.

I sigh deeply before nodding, my feet following after Taehyung's steps, we walk towards the small room of the hanok before he walks to a seating pillow, sitting himself down before patting a pillow next to him.

"Sit, we need to know each other more," he says and I nod slowly before sitting down beside him on the pillow.

"So, you're Jang Aehye, how old are you and where do you live?" He asks me suddenly, placing his hands on a wooden box infront of him.

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? Aren't we supposed to start with the fun things?" I ask him, furrowing my brows.

"What's the use of being friends if you don't know where your friend comes from? What if she's an enemy, or what if I suddenly became friends with a rapist or kidnapper," Taehyung rolled his eyes as he looked at me, then back at the wooden box which he just unlocked.

He pulls out many different ceramic cups with little matching ceramic covers on them. He takes one out before uncovering one, and he takes a paint brush from the wooden box before dipping it into the cup.

"Fine, but promise me you won't tell this to anyone because I know you have a big trap! I'm 23 years old, and I am not telling where I live," I reply as I look at him who was focused on taking a cloth off a certain object.

As he pulled it away, my eyes widened as I saw the different splatters and blots of paint on a majestic canvas from the ancient times. It was still half uncolored though.

"And why would you not tell me where you live? I mean, you can't escape this kingdom. The King is strict," Taehyung spoke as he brushed a blue paint on the canvas.

"But still, let's just ignore that where do you live question," I reply.

I mean, why would I say I live in Myeongdong when there is no such street in this time?

"Fine, I'm 23 too, and you already know where I live," he says, his eyes focused on the painting he was brushing his paintbrush on.

"I have a question actually, what does Seojoon and Hyung Sik do?" I ask him, placing my hands on my cheeks, looking at him do his artwork.

"They're the officials of the king, since  they're nobles. And Woo-shik is the Head General of the palace guards," Taehyung spoke as he continued splattering paint on his canvas.

"What about you? What do you do? Since all your friends are part of the palace duties?" I ask him, interested in what he was saying.

"Promise me... you won't tell anyone? It's a little bit... top secret," Taehyung said softly as he painted different blue blots, making a small swirl.

"Why? Are you a stripper? A sugar daddy?" I ask him, then I suddenly press my lips into a thin line, mentally slapping myself for blurting that out when I'm actually in the Silla Dynasty which is like a long, long time ago.

"What's a stripper? Is it a good thing? Does it give you gold? Does it require skinny dipping? Or does it give you big boobs or big dicks? You know, I always liked being nak-," he trailed off.

"Now that's too much information, nevermind you're too young for that generation," I sighed as  I looked at him.

"Then what's a sugar daddy? Is it sweet? Is it the same as honey? Do we get to hunt for some pussycats? Or does is it a food that tastes good? Because I want to be a sugar daddy!" Taehyung smiled as he looked at me.

"No Taehyung, it doesn't work like that, but you know what, I'm not gonna explain it," I tell him as I cross my arms.

"Fine then, but actually... I have a place in the palace too," he says as he takes his paint out.

"I'm a prince."

My eyes widened and my jaw hung as I looked at him. The snappy, annoyed, grouchy Taehyung is a prince?

No wonder Woo-shik went absolute nuts.

"What the fuck? The king will kill you if you step outside the palace! Are you crazy?!" I exclaimed at him.

I mean, I never knew I'd be in this period of time but here I am. And I do read my books so I do know some stuff about ancient times.

"Well, maybe I am. But, I'm the youngest son of the king. I kinda sneaked out of the palace without supervision and this is my shared part of the land, no one really sees me outside," he says as his eyes trailed off to the blank canvas near the fresh paint.

"You're an absolute.... crazy jerk! You can't hide from the king!" I tell him as I looked at him, slowly turning berserk. He literally is a dumbass, and he still is.

"You don't call me Your Majesty? Prince? I'm offended," he says, his lips tugging down into a pout.

"What about crazy jerk? Will that suit as a beautiful name, Your Worst?" I shot back, raising a brow at him.

I mean, who in the right mind would escape the palace whilst working?

"You know what, I need some fresh air. Keep a 2 meter distance away from me, I'm allergic to stupidity," I glare at him before standing up, brushing my skirt before walking towards the exit.

"Okay! Come back in one piece if the guard sees you!" He calls from the room and I groan.

I step outside, the fresh air of Silla filling my lungs as I look outside, the birds singing and the bushes dancing along with the wind. I look at the clear and blue sky.

I pulled out the golden pocketwatch, my eyes landing on the long hand and the short hand which was pointing to 2.

But then,

I heard shouts.



Vote or Annabelle's coming over tonight.

Anyway, imagine Taehyung in a manbun 👅👅👅

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