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I look at Namjoon that was standing silently at my front porch.

How did this man come in even though there's a lock?

"Does he... have a spare key or something?" Taehyung asked as he looked at me, face twisted in confusion.

"Well.... Namjoon, uh...," I trailed off as I looked at Taehyung who was narrowing his eyes at me.

How to make up a reason on how he got there?

"I think Seokjin gave him the code, bestfriend goals you know?" I said, smiling as I looked at him and he looked back at me before arching a brow.

"Ohh, but I bet he didn't go there for no reason at all, care to tell me why?" He shot back, his brows furrowing as he crossed his arms.

"I don't even know either, he came for a visit!" I replied.

"Oh really? Do you two have a... date or something?" He scoffed as he looked at his hands, not maintaing eye contact at me.

"If we both do, would you be jealous?" I asked him and his eyes widened before looking at me in the eyes.

"What? Of course not! I'd never be jealous, like why would I be jealous?" He laughed as he looked at me, red tinting his ears.

"Then why are you asking me if I have a date with him when I said I don't even know why he's there?" I asked him and he chuckled a bit.

"Because, I wanna know what happens with my brother too, you know," he said and I raised my brows before crossing my arms.

"If that's so, I'll be going now," I said as I opened the gate handle.

As I opened the gate with a creak, I looked back to see Taehyung still standing there, arms crossed with a pout hanging on his face.

"Go now," I sighed deeply as I turned towards him.

"You go," he said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You go first! It's late!" I exclaimed at him and he slumped his shoulders before turning his heel, walking to where we came from earlier.

I exhaled before looking at his figure slowly disappearing, and I entered my house before closing it and locking it, and walking to the little pathway and entering the front porch to where a certain person stood.

"Namjoon?" I called as I looked at his back, staring at the night sky.

He turned his head towards me, he wore a black skinny jeans paired with a navy blue sweater that was skinny and his juicy chest stood out.

If only I could suck his tit-

What are you thinking, Aehye?!

"Aehye, you're here! I was waiting for you!" He smiled, his dimples showing as I smiled back and pulled out the keys from my front pocket.

Fortunately, I still had my keys and everything else.

"Sure, let's talk inside, did you have dinner?" I asked as I entered the key inside the lock and turned it.

"Not yet, but it's fine," he replied and I looked at him before smiling.

"I can cook some dinner, I'm starving too!" I smiled at him before unlocking the door and opening it, gesturing Namjoon to come in first.

"But I think I'll be getting a shower first, and my clothes are wet so you should sit on the couch while I go change," I told him and he nodded silently before sitting himself on the couch and crossed his legs.


After I showered and fixed myself up, I blowdryed my hair and tied it into a loose ponytail before looking at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing an oversized yellow sweater and some yellow night shorts that reached until my mid-thighs, and I slipped my feet into my slippers before walking out my bedroom door.

Not too cute and not too sexy.

I walked down the stairs and glanced at Namjoon that was watching some TV and he looked at me before smiling.

"Nice pajamas you got there," he beamed and I bowed at him before walking towards the kitchen to fetch some food.

I lit the stove on and I was about to get the noodles from the cupboard to take some jajangmyeon noodles, before my eyes met a pair of another one's.

"Aehye," the figure started as he looked at me, eyes glued to mine.


"Where's the pocketwatch?"


"If we both had a date, would you be jealous?" I mimicked her girly and bratty voice as I kicked the pebbles in the dark sidewalk, making my way out of her neighborhood.

As if.

But isn't it kinda upsetting that you just kissed her twice and now she's out there meeting up with your brother like it's no big deal, like I didn't save her fucking life.

I mean, I kissed her to save her, what are you saying Taehyung?

Suddenly, my foot stepped on something hard, and I looked down and my eyed widened as I bent down, slowly picking it up.

Is this...?


"Let's see," I said as I sat down on my bed, staring at the material I got earlier.

I looked at it before licking my lips.

A wallet.

Yes, a wallet.

But it's not like I'm gonna steal anything, I'm not that bad to do so.

I pryed it open, and my finger set themselves on the zipper before zipping it open.

"Jang Aehye, what a girl," I chuckled as I looked at the identification card I got out from the wallet, a picture of a girl with brunette hair and baby hair bangs was in the picture, my index finger pressing on my bottom lip.

"What is this? Did she take this for a school ID or what?" I chuckled silently as I looked at her exposed forehead.

I sighed deeply before looking down at the wallet, my eyes widening even more as I saw something more in it.


"I have the pocketwatch," I said as I burrowed  my hand in my front pocket taking it out and showing it to him.

I figured he might ask about it so I kept it in my pocket.

"Good, better not lose that. You'll be in deep trouble," he said as he looked at me.

A silent and awkward tension then welcomed us, my eyes dropping to the floor for a second before looking up to stare at his tall figure and silver hair.

"Actually Joon, I have something to ask you," I said quietly as I looked at him and his eyes stared into mine before nodding.

"Do you know anything about Taehyung? And his... secret?"

And he pursed his lips before opening his mouth.




jUnGKook SAiD "fuck" (lowkey hot amwksjhd)

Jungkook has been daddy these days, don't tell Namjoon.

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