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"I can't believe that idiot!" snapped Five, as he paced in the den of Elliot's loft. "I specifically asked him if he knew where the others were, and he blatantly lied to me!" vented the boy as Elliot watched on from his couch. "Especially about her!" he hissed.

Elliot sipped on his mug of coffee quietly, he has been watching Five since he suddenly jumped back into his place. Apparently his visit with arrival number five didn't go well and he has been ranting ever since. The man watched as the boy paced back and forth and was beginning to get dizzy.

"Ten days is all I have, and he decides to withhold information! Now I have nothing until I get his dumbass out of the nuthouse." exclaimed Five as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"I take it that this girl is vital," finally spoke Elliot, gaining Five's gaze. "To saving the world, I mean." it was the only logical reason Elliot came up with as to why the strange boy would be so upset over the girl's whereabouts.

Five hesitated. "Well, yes. All of them are."

Elliot noticed and quirked a brow to the boy. Or maybe it was just personal. "So... she's just vital to you, then?" an understanding smirk playing on his lips.

Five narrowed his eyes at the man. "Don't make me hurt you."

The man put his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry, I'll stay quiet," quickly apologized the man as he averted his eyes, but paused when he remembered something concerning the girl in question. "Hold on," Elliot furrowed his brow as he quickly stood up and spun around, looking around the room.

"What is it?" asked a curious Five as he watched Elliot scramble behind the board that contained the pictures of his siblings.

"Man, I'm such a scatterbrain!" murmured Elliot as he moved around papers in search of something. "The girl, last time she was in the alley, she--she dropped something as she left," explained Elliot as Five slowly approached behind him. "I went down and got it. At first I didn't think twice about it, but maybe... Aha!" exclaimed the man, making Five jump slightly as Elliot held up a folded piece of red paper. "But maybe it may mean something to you." he said, handing over the paper to the boy.

Five quickly unfolded it as his eyes skimmed over its contents. "It's a menu," said Five in a questioning tone. "The Bird's Nest." he read out loud.

"Turns out is a well-known bar in Little Mexico, not too far from here. I haven't been there, but supposedly the food and drinks are good," shrugged Elliot. "It slipped from her book, I think."

Five mulled over the paper and its connection to Elaina. "She must've been there before. If anything, it's a lead." he rationalized before looking back at an apprehensive Elliot. "You've been quite useful. Keep up the good work." nodded Five in approval to the man before turning away in a flash of blue.

Elliot let out a sigh of relief, feeling very proud of himself. "That's two-for-two, baby!" he cheered, pumping his fist in the air before looking around awkwardly, making sure he was truly alone.


Take me on a date

I deserve a break

And don't forget the flowers every anniversary

'Cause if you'll treat me right

I'll be the perfect wife

Buying groceries

Buy-buying what you need

Elaina stood on stage, now changed into a flowy green dress with sheer sleeves, her hair still tied up in the half-up do as she rocked her hips slightly to beat the men behind her provided with their instruments. The bar was in full swing as patrons laughed at their private conversations with their companions in surrounding tables, others snapped their fingers, rocking along with the music that filled the air.

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