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Elaina and Five found a car outside of Elliot's place and hot-wired it, Five taking over the driver's side as they quickly drove to Sissy's farm in search of Vanya. It wasn't long into their drive on the gravel road that a familiar blue car began to drive past them.

"Vanya?" asked Elaina as Five and said-sister slowed down their cars and stared at each other.

"Yup," confirmed Five as he pulled the car over.

They both skidded to a stop and threw their respective cars in park as everyone hopped out.

"What are you guys doing here?" questioned Vanya.

"Looking for you," answered Five.

"We're going back to 2019," added Elaina as they all met in between the cars.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look, I don't really have time to explain right now, but we found a way home." Five pulled out his synchronized watch and looked at the time. "Alright? We have 30 minutes to leave." said Five as he and Elaina began walking back to their car.

"What about my friends? I can't just leave them here." asked Vanya, making the two teens stop and turn back to her.

"V, you really don't have much of a choice in this, alright?" stated Elaina as they reapproached Vanya.

"Doomsday will happen if you don't come with us," stressed Five.

"Okay, then I'm bringing them with me," defiantly countered Vanya.

"They belong to this timeline," tried to reason Five.

"Says who?" snapped the woman, gaining a surprised look from the teens. "Sissy deserves a life where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not. And Harlan? There's a name for what he has. We can get him the help that he needs."

Elaina sighed. "Vanya,"

"Look, a mom and her eight-year-old son are not gonna screw up the timeline, Five!" shouted a frustrated Vanya. "They're insignificant,"

"No one is insignificant," retorted Five as he stepped up to Vanya. "I'm sorry, alright? But we can't take that risk."

"They have to stay," frowned Elaina from behind Five as she looked at her sister in sympathy. "Come on, sis. We don't have much time," she said, nudging her head towards the car as she and Five started walking back to its direction.

"Why do you get to decide?" accusingly questioned Vanya to Five. "You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place."

"Oh, no, sweetie," spun Elaina on her heels to face Vanya with her index finger pointed. "I love you, Vanya, but don't take it there. If it weren't for him, we'd all be dead, thanks to you."

Vanya simply stared for a moment before saying, "They're coming with me,"

Five scoffed softly as his eyes narrowed in irritation. "Vanya, do not test me right now," threatened Five as he walked directly up to Vanya.

"That's funny," smiled Vanya, though no humor reflected in her eyes as she got closer to the boy. "Cause I was about to say the same thing," she said, the iris of her eyes turning white as her skin paled.

They both started up their abilities: Vanya's white violin was shining through as an orb of white shimmered at her chest while Five's hands clenched his into fists by his sides, a vibrating blue energy radiating off of them. The two stared down at each menacingly, showing no signs of backing down.

Elaina watched from the sidelines before looking down at her watch and letting out a deep breath. She walked up to the pair and looked between them.

"Either you two break it up, or I'll break it up myself," warned Elaina as she held her hands up in between Five and Vanya, a light purple tinge slowly coming from her hands as her eyes narrowed dangerously at them, shifting from brown to purple.

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