27. LOVE

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Author's note:

Wanted to give you guys the super heads up that this chapter is longggg, even by my standards. Due to that reason, there will be one more chapter after this -- OFFICIALLY THE LAST CHAPTER I PROMISE!

I feel like I've said that a few times, but I seriously underestimate how wordy I am 😩😩😩

I'm sorry, I suck, I know.

I hope it still makes for a good chapter.

Alrighty, enough of that. On to the story!


Five spatially jumped from Sissy's living room to the barn after a quick fight with Lila that was still continuing. Shortly after he appeared, Lila was right behind him, a cast iron skillet in her hand. Once she appeared, Five jumped again, though having the insight into his powers, helped her to predict his next jump pattern. Lila spun on the balls of her feet, throwing the skillet just as Five appeared, hitting him square in the forehead and making him drop to the ground with a groan.

Ever since Five saw Elaina and Tony together inside of the house, he hasn't been able to get the image out of his head, and honestly, it was messing with his concentration. He was able to keep up with Lila for the most part, but that was the thing -- he had to keep up with her and not the other way around. Lila could sense it too, a fact that made her internally giddy. Her mother's and Tony's plan was working, Five was nowhere near as focused as he was when fighting her in the warehouse.

With Five being down, Lila took the opportunity and marched over to him, stomping her red boot down on his throat.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it?" she questioned him as he struggled to lift the boot off. "Knowing that the love of your life no longer loves you. How does it feel, Five? " she hissed at him through gritted teeth as pressed down harder. "You know, I might end up calling her sister-in-law," Lila sneered with a tight smile.

Five dangerously glared up at her, grunting as he continued to push against her. "Eat shit and die!" his voice rasped out.

"Now is that any way to speak to a lady?" Tony's voice floated in along with the cloud of black smoke as it spiraled around the two. "After all, where's the lie?" he said, materializing beside Lila, crouching down to look Five in the eyes. "Elaina is mine now," he whispered sardonically.

Five's eyes went wild when they landed on Tony, feeling a surge of rage, just enough to muster the strength to shove Lila off of him. Lila spun through the air as she landed on the ground with a harsh thud, her head banging against the floorboard. Five's fist immediately reached out and connected with the teen's cheekbone, making Tony fall backward at the off-guard punch. The boy panted briefly as he pushed himself to his feet. His head quickly snapped back to see Lila passed out on the floor, pleased by this, Five turned his attention back to Tony and swiftly kicked the teen in the stomach, earning a grunt from him.

"I should've killed you the first time I saw you," growled Five as Tony looked up at him, a hand cradling the spot Five kicked him.

"Should've. Would've. Could've," drawled the teen as he got on his knees. "That was your mistake. I hope you enjoyed those few hits," smirked Tony, his eyes gradually growing black. "Cause they're the only ones you're going to make,"

Five gritted his teeth, swung his fist to the chuckling teen, only for his fist to go right through Tony's face, a trail of black smoke followed as Five stared at his fist in frustration. Tony's laugh only grew as he stood up on his feet, walking the few feet over to Five. Five's glare intensified as he spun around to kick Tony, but his leg went right through once again.

☂ 𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 || 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚡 𝙾𝙲 || 𝑩𝑲. 𝟐 ☂Where stories live. Discover now