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"So, what, you guys just let her go?" questioned Diego as he laid on the couch while Lila changed out his gauze to a fresh one, his wound looking significantly better.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process," said Elaina as she sat across from the pair, adding some milk and sugar to her mug of coffee that Elliot made.

Five sighed as he walked behind the couch Diego and Lila were on. "She'll come around. I know she will." assured Five as he walked back around.

"What about the guys that went after her?" asked Diego

"The Swedes?" stated Five, recalling the name of the albino trio from the Commission that was hunting them down.

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?"

"We don't."

"Mmm," said Lila as she was putting down her own mug of coffee to speak. "Any idea who sent them?"

Five walked over to the coffee table and picked up his mug.

He looked over to the woman and shot her a forced smile. "Oh, I have my suspicions." he turned and made his way over to the empty chair beside Elaina. "But right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it," he mumbled the last part as he sat down.

Elaina looked at him as she sipped her cup, satisfied by it's sweetness as she could smell the bitterness coming from Five's mug. With a sigh, she started loosening up the first few buttons of her collared blouse so she could relax a bit.

"Which, for the record, I found him already," said Diego.

"And then let him go," cut in Elaina as she leaned back in her chair, smirking at the man behind her mug. "You know, before we could have a meaningful conversation."

Diego dryly stated, "He stabbed me," as Lila toyed with the medical tape beside him.

"I'm surprised, he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge." calmly stated Five with a tinge of amusement.

"If he hadn't done it that day, I probably would've," shrugged Elaina.

Elliot chuckled as he placed an additional mug on the coffee table while Lila bursted out in an over the top laugh that made Five and Elaina raise their brows at her.

"Good one," she said as she held up her hand for a high five.

Five held the mug in his hand and made no indication of moving to partake in it while Elaina shrugged and leaned forward.

"Hell, why not?" she gave a small smile and high fived Lila back.

Diego tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at Elaina as he caught on to something. "Is that?" he carefully leaned forward, grunting slightly, to get a better look.

Elaina gave him a weirded-out expression. "What?"

Diego raised his brows. "Is that a hickey?" he asked in amusement.

Elaina's eyes widened as her hand automatically flew to her recently exposed neck. Five spit back into his mug of coffee, coughing slightly as he turned his head to look at the girl. She looked back at him with her widened eyes. When she got dressed, it was a coincidence that she choose that shirt. Elaina didn't actually get to look at a mirror until she started doing her hair. The possibility of either one of them having a hickey completely flew over their heads.

"That's--That's none of your business!" she yelled, flustered.

Diego simply looked between the two teens, a knowing smirk crossing his face. "Looks like someone's been busy,"

☂ 𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 || 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚡 𝙾𝙲 || 𝑩𝑲. 𝟐 ☂Where stories live. Discover now