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The light from the morning sun shined through the window's blinds, shining down on the two sheet covered bodies of Five and Elaina. Five laid on his side, facing towards Elaina, as he snored silently. The girl, on the other hand, was wide awake. She laid on her side as well, supporting her cheek on her hand as she supported that on her elbow. She watched Five quietly with a small smile on her face, happy to see him peaceful after a few frustrating days. Elaina felt thankful that she could at least give Five a small escape from all the bullshit he stressed over constantly.

Elaina hummed quietly, her free hand reaching out and moving aside a stray strand of hair that covered his face.

"I can feel you looking at me," Five stated, his eyes still closed, making Elaina chuckle.

"What, I can't admire what's mine?" she said in a joking tone, making the boy crack an eye open to look at her. "I'm enjoying the view,"

"Apparently," said Five, both eyes opened as he gave her a tired smile. "How long have you been up?"

Elaina shrugged. "I don't know, maybe thirty minutes? I wasn't really keeping track,"

"Hm," said Five as he rolled over to look at the clock on the night table beside him. "We still have some time," muttered Five before he rolled back over.

Elaina's free hand found its way to Five's collarbone as a suggestive finger slowly trailed down his chest. "Now, how do we spend that time?"

The boy's breath shook as he felt the pleasant tingles of her finger trailing his chest. "You're dangerous," he breathed out, shaking his head as his hand covered hers, stopping her finger. "No, we can't," sighed Five. "I'll be tempted to never leave this bed, we can't afford that,"

This made Elaina pout. "Pooh," she said as she turned and laid flat on her back. "I guess you're right," Elaina ran her hand through her hair as she stared up at the ceiling. "There's still a world to save," she sighed.

"Exactly," said Five, his arm reaching to grip Elaina's waist as he pulled her into him. "Now, after the world is saved..." he trailed off, her back pressing against his chest, the tone of his voice lowered to a whisper against her ear. "We could stay in bed for days," he said, bringing his lip down to her neck, giving it a sweet kiss.

Elaina giggled as she held onto the arm that wrapped around her. "Sounds like a plan," she responded, turning her head to face him as best as she could in their current position, kissing his cheek. "Glad to see you're in a better mood,"

"Well, that's all thanks to you," said Five, speaking into her skin. "You knew just what I needed,"

"Trust me, we both needed it," smiled Elaina, relishing in the feeling. "I love you,"

"I love you too," he said, planting another kiss on her neck.

Elaina pulled back and looked at him, giving him the same loving stare she gave him earlier in the morning. Five lifted his head up and looked back at her.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

Elaina just shrugged, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I don't know, sometimes it's just surreal that you came back," she admits, adjusting herself as she remained within his hold, but was now face-to-face with him. "You were gone for so long, and it's just wild that you're really here, alive, and in bed with me," she chuckled, making Five's corner lip pull into a small smile at the noise. "I still get scared that I'm just gonna wake up in my apartment and this was all a dream," she said, propping her head up slightly on her elbow to look at him better.

"I understand what you mean," replied Five. "Sometimes in the apocalypse, I'd have these dreams about all the 'what ifs' I missed out on," he explained, his fingers tracing invisible circles on her hip.

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