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After a fulfilling lunch at the local Mexican restaurant, the girls and Klaus found themselves at Odessa's, Allison's place of work, with a couple of bottles of liquor and beers as the beautician went about cutting Elaina's hair. Elaina was currently in the chair as Allison finished up, Klaus was sitting nearby smoking his joint and Vanya was play-shooting the bottles of beers she finished. They all went around explaining what they've been doing since they landed in Dallas: Klaus with his smothering cult and finding the younger closeted Dave who punched him, Vanya's accident, her job as a nanny and falling for the mother of the child, and Elaina with her time and singing gig at Birdie's along with the awkward status of her relationship with Tony due to his crush on her and Five's obvious disdain for the guy. Right now, it was Allison's turn.

"The nerve of that man. I mean, one thing goes wrong, and he's on a warpath," vented Allison as she finished evening out the last few snips to Elaina's haircut. "I mean, doesn't he know who I am?"

"He knows exactly who you are, sis!" enabled Elaina, her fifth glass of whiskey nearly finished in her grasp and clearly starting to have an effect on her.

"Exactly! Ray just can't handle it," snapped Allison as she brought out her brush to dust off any straggling pieces of hair off of Elaina. "I'm protecting him,"

"Men," commented Elaina, taking off the cutting cape from herself. "They just don't know," she said as she talked to her sister through the mirror's reflection. "But wait, what are you protecting him from again?" she asked, admiring her new cut from her mid-back to now her collar bone, about a good two inches below her shoulders.

"The end of the world, for one" she said, helping Elaina out of the chair, as the girl nodded in understanding.

"Is the world really gonna end in six days?" asked Vanya from the other side of the beauty parlor.

This made Elaina freeze in place as she and Allison shared a look.

Elaina took a sip from her glass as Allsion explained. "Well, it did last time, and we did everything Five could think of to stop it,"

"Hey," exclaimed Klaus from his chair as he turned around to look at his sisters. "Wouldn't it be weird if Five grew up all hot?" he asked randomly. "Wouldn't that be weird?"

"What?" said Vanya.

"Eww!" exclaimed Allison.

"Hey, hey!" shouted Elaina over the two women as she plopped down in one of the vacant chairs. "Have you seen that bone structure? He will be gorgeous, so back off, bitches." slightly slurred Elaina as she pointed between the two.

Klaus laughed in amusement at Elaina's comment before turning to Allison. "And please, Miss 'Luther was my lover', you have no room to talk!"

Allison put her hand up in defense as Klaus started making kissing sounds. "We have never even kissed," she then looked over to Elaina. "Unlike her! Don't think I forgot about that kiss you guys had before the world blew up,"

Elaina shrugged casually as she took another sip from her glass. "Okay, and? If I initiate something, I follow through with it, unlike a certain tease I know," Elaina feigned a cough, making Allison narrow her eyes at her.

"Uh huh!" confirmed Klaus. "You and Luther were making little sick moon-dog eyes at each other all through puberty and breakfasts and all that," he said, taking a swig from his flask.

"See, Five and I never did that," nodded Elaina, pointing her drink in Allison's direction.

"But, you two did give each other these weird little longing looks at each other every once in a while," recalled Klaus. "So, maybe not so different?" he shrugged.

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