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The street in front of the Mexican Consulate was loaded with fancy cars and invited guests dressed in their best attires. Armed security stood by the entrance as well on the roadside to ensure the safety of the people attending the gala. Five, Elaina, Diego, and Lila peeked over the stone wall across the way of the consulate.

Diego tugged on his collar briefly and Lila noticed.

"You did a great job getting dressed in the back seat," she reassured him as he looked over and glared at Five.

"Well, it's not like I had a choice."

Five paid no mind as he staked out the surrounding. "We should move out now," he stated.

Elaina nodded and looked back at her brother. "Come on, no point in being butt-hurt about it. We got a job to do,"

Diego huffed before begrudgingly nodding. "Yeah, you're right."

With that being said, one by one they climbed over the stone wall and crouched behind a silver chevy.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Lila, once they all made it.

"We infiltrate, we identity, we extract. Double time," explained Diego quietly as Five and Elaina nodded in understanding.

Lila turned behind her to the two teens with a lost look. "What the hell's he talking about?"

"Find the old man and get out fast." quickly translated Elaina.

Diego scoffed and turned his head to the group behind him. "That's what I said," he said condescendingly. "On me," he announced before crouching forward to the car in front of them.

Lila turned to the two. "After you," she said.

Elaina was about to follow Diego before Five held his arm out in front of her, halting her from following Diego. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she looked at him. Five simply leaned into Lila with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

"What, I can't be polite?" she asked innocently with her palm out.

"Cut the crap," Five responded instantly. "Alright? My dimwitted brother might buy your bullshit, but I don't trust you for a second," finally admitted Five to Lila, making Elaina look between the two with a raised brows.

"O ye of little faith," Lila responded amusedly.

Five simply gave her a tight smile. "Stick it up your ass,"

Lila snickered and slightly shook her head as she followed after Diego, Five's smiles dropped as he glared at her retreating figure.

"Let's go, hon," he ushered Elaina ahead of him.

"Well, that was subtle," she quietly said to him as she carefully followed behind Diego and Lila.

"I couldn't hold it in anymore," he answered silently.

Diego looked to both sides of the street before motioning them all to follow him across it, approaching the front entrance. They cautiously made their way towards security where Five flashed them the invitation. Security looked at it before eyeing the group and allowing them in.

The sounds of soft mariachi music were heard as the group made their way into the building. As soon as they made it in, there was a waiter with a tray of champagne waiting for new guests. Five grabbed two glasses and handed one to Elaina, to which she gave him a thankful smile and took it from his grasp, swiftly taking a swig. Five followed suit and took a gulp of his champagne as they all made their way through the crowd of people. Lila spotted one of these waiters and took a glass of champagne for herself.

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