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Five jumped Elaina and himself inside of Elliot's, only to be met with a blood-soaked floor, a message written in it spelling out a Sweedish phrase: Öga for Öga.

Elaina looked at the bloody message, her hand reaching for Five's blazer sleeve. "Five?" Elaina said nervously.

"Oh, no," he murmured as they shared a fearful look before running up the stairs, hoping the blood didn't belong to any of their siblings.

They made it up the stairs to see an obvious body in the loft's dentist chair, covered by a bloody sheet. Elaina shook her head, feeling her breathing starting to get uneven at the thought of it being someone she loved under that sheet. Five saw her uneasiness and put down the briefcase in his hand, taking the initiative to remove the sheet himself.

He pulled it back to reveal the terror-struck expression frozen on Elliot's face, his eyes clouded and lifeless as dried blood caked around nose and mouth.

"Damn..." whispered Five, his tongue clicking as he sadly looked at Elliot.

"Oh, God, Elliot," mournfully said Elaina, her hand covering her mouth in shock. "He deserved better,"

Five sighed as he placed the sheets back over Elliot's mutilated face.

"Uh, hello, Olga?" Luther's voice could be heard from the kitchen.

This brought Elaina's attention over to her brother's voice as she narrowed her eyes in curiosity. Five, in the meanwhile, grabbed the briefcase from off the floor and started to look for a place to store it. Elaina walked towards the kitchen's direction when her eyes landed on a couple of wrist watches that laid on one of Elliot's work desks. She looked down at her own watch and got an idea.

"Think we should synchronize these?" she questioned Five as he was pushing the briefcase into the corner.

He looked back at her and saw the watches in her hands. "Actually, yes," he stated, getting up and walking to her, grabbing the watches.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Um, I was just wondering-- what?" Luther's voice was still speaking from the kitchen.

"What are they doing?" murmured Elaina as she looked over to the archway.

"Something stupid, I'm sure," mumbled Five as he started sycrunizeing the watches.

"My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves, and--" Luther was cut off as Diego yanked the house phone from his hand.

"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you," threatened Diego over the phone.

"Olga?" questioned Elaina, her brain putting together what her brothers were up to. She looked at Five to see that he also understood as he rolled his eyes at their idiocy. "They were never the best in world languages," she sighed.

"They were never the best at anything," retorted Five as they rounded the corner.

"You will be dead by nightfall," growled Diego, his voice getting increasingly gruffer after each word.

"Hey. It's Öga for Öga, idiots," said Five, announcing the pair's presence as he started removing his blood-splattered blazer. "Sweedish 'an eye for an eye'."

"Meaning it was the Swedes that killed Elliot, not this poor Olga woman that you're currently harassing," stated Elaina, nudging her chin to the phone still connected to Diego's ear.

Diego turned away and smiled awkwardly into the phone. "Wrong number. Have a lovely day," he sweetly said before quickly hanging up the phone, him and Luther exchanging a look.

"We would've gotten there," assured Luther.

"Eventually," agreed Diego.

"Sometimes I wonder if the reason the two of you fought so much was because you were fighting over that one brain cell you guys clearly share," said Elaina, helping Five out of his sweater vest.

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