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The blue vortex up above crackled, the electricity started to fade as it spit out Five. He landed with a thud onto the hard concrete as he looked up

"Elaina! Luther!" shouted Five as the blue portal he created vanished.

The sounds of rapid gunfire caught Five's attention as he turned around and walked out of the alley way he appeared in, taking in the scene in front of him.

NOVEMBER 25, 1963

A Soviet war tank rolled down the civilian streets as soldiers loitered the road, releasing open fire to eradicate opposing soldiers. There was a ravished theater as fighter jets zoomed overhead while American soldiers took cover behind a metal cow that was laying on its side. Buildings were on fire as the roads were destroyed, rocks and bodies everywhere. Everything was in ruins.

Five sees a newspaper in the middle of the maham and runs directly into the street to read it.

"'Soviets Attack U.S.'?" Five reads in a question, he takes stumbly steps forward as he sees an army man comforting an injured and rattled civilian. "No, this can't be right."

"We're gonna get you outta here," assured the soldier to the suited man. "Just keep your head down."

Gunshots rang across the street as bullets fell around aimlessly. Cars exploded as men in green uniforms dropped to their knees as the bullets riddled their bodies

"Medic! Medic!"

This was war.

"Hey, kid, get down!" yelled one of the men at Five as more rounds were heard getting near as the soldiers marched closer.

"What the hell did we do now?" questioned Five at the horror around him, not noticing the tank preparing to fire behind him.

Without warning, the war tank shot out a missile, causing Five to scream and duck as it flew out from behind him. The missile glided through the air as it made its way to a floating figure.

Almost like it was in slow motion, the missile made its way towards Vanya's White Violin alter ego as she floated in the air, anticipating its arrival. She wore a long coat, a black t-shirt and black jeans, her skin and eyes as white as ivory. As soon as the missile got within arms length, Vanya held out her hands outstretched in front of her as the missile quietly diseneragraded once it entered her range.

Below her, a group of Soviet soldiers charged towards a shoulder-length haired Klaus as he marched towards them with his hands opened widely. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a black vest underneath with black pants. Behind him, a mass of blue apparitions appeared, ranging from soldiers that were killed in combat to regular citizens - both angered by their death at the hands of the Soviets. The Soviets looked at them in terror as they turned their heels to run, but were too slow for the enraged spirits.

As the ghosts took care of killing the army men in front of him, Klaus looked up at the sound of a distant yelling. He saw Luther soar through the sky before landing in front of him, taking the brunt of a rocket launcher that was aimed at the medium. Luther let out a power cry as the rocket made contact with his shirtless back, the explosion simmering at the contact of his skin. Klaus gave him a look over to see if he was okay, Luther gave a nod just as a blue see-through tentacle came and grabbed one of the enemy soldiers that prepared to take fire at the two.

Ben was on the rooftop, as blue and transparent as the other spirits Klaus conjured up, as he had his shirt raised, allowing the tentacled monster within him to wreak havoc on the Soviet men. With a shout, Ben grabbed one of the soldiers with the help of his inner-monster and flung him off the rooftop, just in time for his comrades to see his body land on the ground with a splat.

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