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After disarming Elliot, Diego managed to find some rope around the loft and was in charge of tying him up, threatening to skewer the man if he moved. Needless to say, Elliot didn't move an inch once he caught a glimpse of Diego's knives. Five found a film projector propped up, the Frankel Footage sat on a small table beside it as Five grabbed it and started to hook it up to the machine.

Elaina sat in a chair across from Five, watching him before her eyes made its way to the hanging clock on the wall. "Shit, I should call Birdie," she murmured as she stood up. "I'll be back, I'm just gonna make a call," she told the boy, kissing his cheek as she passed by him.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. "The Mendozas?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Mhmm. Don't want Birdie to worry. She's the type to print missing posters and plaster them everywhere," she chuckled, picturing it in her head. "I'll be quick, so don't start without me."

Five watched her as she left and went into the kitchen. He hummed as he turned his attention back to the projector.

Elaina grabbed the phone off the wall before dialing in the number to The Bird's Nest, hearing the ringing on the other line a few times before a familiar voice picked up.

"Bird's Nest," Tony said smoothly on the other line.

"Yes, please. I'd like some tacos with your finest pico de gallo. Oh, and a side of your mom, if possible. I heard she's very spicy." she smirked as she could hear Tony laugh softly on the other end.

"Nice to hear your voice, estrellita. Everything good, you found your brother?" he asked, the sound of shuffling was heard on his end.

"We did, two of them actually -- my brothers Luther and Diego. Diego is with us now at the place Five is staying at."

"That's great. How many of you are there?"

"Well, I'm Number Eight in the family, but there's only seven of us now. We had a brother pass away years ago." she explained, a tinge of sadness coated her voice whenever she thought of Ben's death.

"I see," his voice mirrored hers for a moment. "Sorry, Els."

"It's okay. We know he's around." she responded, no lie there. "Anyway, is your mom home? I just wanted to let her know that I'm alive and to not freak out or anything."

"You just missed her. She went down to Marcelo's for the club meeting today."

"Damn, you're right. I forgot that was today," she said, her voice had a bit of an ashamed tone to it. "She's only there, like, every week. Sorry."

She could hear Tony snicker over the phone. "You're fine. I'll let her know you called. So, Els, when are you coming home? I'm lonely." Tony whined childishly.

Elaina bit her lip and hummed. "I don't know. There's just a lot going on with my family. Besides, you guys were only letting me crash with you until I found them, which I did. I don't want to keep burdening you two." there was silence on the other end for a moment. "Tony?"

"You were never a burden, Els. You still aren't. We love having you around. Trust me. We love you." he said softly, almost longingly.

There it was again, this feeling she felt from Tony. Lately, he's been letting it slip out more and more. Whether he knew or just stopped caring if it showed, she didn't know. It was moments like that she just wanted to straight out tell him that he needed to drop this little crush he had on her. Find a girl that was actually his age, not waste his time chasing a 31-year-old woman trapped in the body of a 16-year-old.

Elaina sighed, running his hand through her loose locks. "Tony... Look," she turned so her back was against the wall as she twirled the phone's cord anxiously. She looked to the side and realized that Five was standing by the kitchen doorway, his hands in his pockets as he waited for her to finish. "I love you guys too. You guys really looked out for me when I needed it and can't thank you both enough for it all. But I have to be with my family right now, okay? Let your mom know. I'll try and stop by when I can."

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