Chapter 2

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I wake up feeling even more tired than when I went to sleep. Sometimes I just hate having mental illnesses, it's more exhausting dealing with it than the feeling it actually gives me. I take a shower and take the bus to class. I have three classes today starting with philosophy, then sociology and introduction to international relations. My first class goes very smooth as the subject is very easy for me and I'm happy to not have anyone I know, not that I know many people, but I'm not happy right now so I rather be left alone. As I walk into my second class I mentally curse as I not only see Niall but that Louis guy and the brunette one which I don't like. There's a space between Niall and Louis which coincidentally is my favorite spot. I can't pay attention to class because ten minutes into it I start feeling suffocated between the two of them and the subject is so hard it makes me want to cry. As soon as the class ends I get up to go grab lunch but Niall speaks:

- Hey, do you want to grab a bite? Me and Louis are going to the cafeteria. - I think for a second and my anxiety of eating alone gets the best of me.

- Sure. - We get out of class and Louis can't stop talking all the way from the building to the cafeteria. I mostly pay attention and I end up realizing that I'm intrigued by him and he actually seems like a nice person although he's very loud and talkative. I look at his wrist, see a tattoo there and before I can think, I'm already saying:

- You have a tatoo? - I sound way louder than I would like to be.

- More like 33. - He laughs.

- What? - I'm shocked by it.

- I'm with you Ember, I will never get a tattoo. - He tries to sound angry but ends up laughing. 

- Stop being so lame! It's nothing, really. - He's laughing at us.

- Does it hurt? - I ask.

- A little, the first ones hurt more, after a while you kinda get addicted to it. Most of it has no meaning, I just felt like it. - I have trouble understanding this phrase and realize how thick his accent is.

- Wow. - I sound kinda judgy but he just laughs.

We have a nice meal and I get to know the boys better. I realize I really like them both, they are really fun and seem very caring. Niall's from Ireland and also got a scholarship in the UNI, I really like him and realize we're gonna be really good friends. Louis is studying advertising and marketing and I catch myself thinking of how fit he is for the profession. After a few minutes, I realize that's not the only thing I'm thinking about, I started thinking about how handsome he looks and then noticed his body... In this exact moment I realized I was looking at him for a long time, I quickly looked to the wall and prayed he didn't notice but if he did, he didn't say anything.

- Hey Ember. - Niall calls me back to reality.

- Yes?

- As you must have noticed by now, me and the boys are in the football team and we have a game tomorrow. Would you like to come?

- Sure. Send me where and when.

- I would but I don't have your phone number.

- I'm still using my brazilian number as I didn't have time to get a british one but if you give me your cell I'll pass it to you. - I say extending my hand.

- Sure. - I put my number in his phone and give it back to him.

Me and Niall go to our last class of the day, as we're both freshmans in the same course we end up having most classes together. The class is very nice and we learn about the classic theories of international relations. Niall gives me a ride home and I decide to call my mom before going to sleep.

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