Chapter 17

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Selena Gomez's song "Birthday" starts playing on my cell phone waking me up. It's a tradition of mine putting that song as my alarm on my birthday. I turn it off and lay in bed looking up as I'm still very sleepy. Louis enters the room with a tray of food chanting the words to "Happy Birthday", I smile wide as he finishes and hands me the tray with pancakes and an orange juice.

- Happy Birthday, Love. - He kisses my forehead.

- Thank you! I love you too much. - I put the tray on the nightstand and kiss him.

- Hm, feels like my own birthday. - He says as he lays me down and kisses my neck.

- So, what do you want to do today? - He asks as I turn off the shower.

- We could go to Oxford, I miss everyone.

- Ok. - He says as he hands me my towel. We finally have breakfast and get on his new car on our way to the city where it all started. As my song plays on the radio, he holds my hand. - I'm so proud of you, love.

- Thank you. - I smile. - I love you Louis.

- I love you Ember.

The road is calm and we arrive quickly at Louis' old house. As I open the door, I scream as I get scared of all the people jumping out of hiding and saying Happy Birthday.

- What? - Louis laughs by my side. - You did this?

- Yes. - He says shily. I hold his face and kiss him.

- I love you.

- Happy birthday. - He says very quietly.

- Hey everyone, I missed you. - I say to all my friends in the room. Harry's beside Azra and Niall is hugging Hanna. Liam and Zayn are beside a table with food and drinks and Olivia is already coming my way to hug me.

- Happy birthday Ember! - She hugs me tightly.

- Thank you! - I hug all my friends.

- Speech! - Niall screams and Liam starts chanting "speech", "speech" and shortly everyone is asking for a speech.

- Ok, ok! - I laugh, everyone gets quiet - When I first arrived in London, I never thought my life would get such a wild turn. I worked all my high school years to be here but I thought I was going to study, graduate and get a job not actually get to live my wildest dream. I want to thank above all Niall, my best friend, without you this wouldn't have happened. If you hadn't asked me about my course and where I was from and then invited me to the pub, I wouldn't have met Louis. - I stop and look at him. - Who I'm pretty sure is the one. I wouldn't have met Zayn who, although we had some big complications, introduced me to the label and helped me achieve my dream, but I also want to thank each and every one of you, you are the best friends anyone could ask for. I love you guys. - I have tears in my eyes. Everyone comes and hugs me in the biggest group hug I have ever been.

- Well, enough crying, let's get drunk. - Harry says coming back from the kitchen with a bottle of vodka. Azra is behind him with plastic cups.

We dance to upbeat songs, drink and laugh. This is the happiest day of my life, Louis is not drinking as he's driving us back but I am and when I get very drunk, I get a bit clingy.

- Wow you are really drunk aren't you? - He laughs and kisses me.

- Let me be, it's my 20th birthday. - I pout, he gives me another kiss.

- Ok love. - He laughs and hugs me.

- We should go to your old room. - I say while lifting his shirt and touching his stomach.

- Well, fuck it. - He grabs my hand and we sneak into his old room.

- Are you sure you can drive? It's very late. - I'm already sobering up.

- Yes, I'm not tired. - He hugs me and kisses my head.

- I love you.

- I love you more. - He says grabbing his keys. We say goodbye to everyone and get in the car. As we're 30 minutes away from home, on the highway, Louis seems very tired and in a split second that he closes his eyes we get out of our lane.

- Louis! - He immediately wakes up and gets the car in the lane seconds before we almost collide. Nothing happens but the adrenaline rush makes me angry. - Stop the car, I'm driving.

- You can't love, if you do and we get pullover you'll be arrested. - He's calm.

- How can you be calm? We almost crashed! - I'm crying.

- It's ok love, we're alright. - He keeps driving, as we arrive home, I'm still shaking. As the adrenaline passes, I get very tired. We arrive in our apartment and I go straight to our bed and fall asleep.

I wake up and Louis is sitting on the opposite side of the bed. I have a weird deja vu as I realize how angry he looks.

- Lou? - He doesn't answer. I crawl to him and hug him from behind.

- What is it love? - I kiss his neck.

- This. - He hands me the phone, it's BBC News:

"Singer Ember parties with boyfriend Zayn and ex-boyfriend Louis Tomlinson"

"Paparazzi followed the star and the football player to the house in which her friends hosted a wild birthday party. In the pictures taken you can see clear PDA with her partner as well as consumption of drugs and alcohol."

- That bitch. - I'm so angry I'm already grabbing my phone to call Candice.

- Ember, stop. - Louis takes the phone away and holds my hands, I look him in the eyes. - I love you but I can't do this anymore.

- What do you mean?

- This is really bad for my career and you know how much it means to me, I can't take this constant rumoring and industry fighting. I love you but that's for you not me. - He looks very sad and I start crying.

- No Louis, please don't do this to me. - I try and grab him but he pulls me away.

- I love you Ember but I think it's best if you leave.

- Louis, we just need to talk about this.

- Love, we did, a lot. I love you very much and I didn't want this to happen, I swear, but it's taking on my mental health, this is toxic for me. - He's keeping his distance and I feel like hitting him, I just wanna touch him, any kind of touch.

- What about my mental health! - I scream.

- If you need me to be healthy, then you're not healthy love. You need to get help and be able to stand on your own. These types of battles, as much as I want to help, are your own. - He hugs me and kisses my forehead. - I'm going to take a walk and give you time to gather your things. I wanna let you know that I love you and that I hope this is not the end.

I'm frozen, I don't know what to do but sit on the floor and cry. I cry a lot, for what seems like hours, there's a huge hole in my chest and it feels like a part of me has just been ripped out and robbed. I slowly get up, get my suitcases, put all my things in it and grab my cell phone.

- Zayn? - I try not to cry.

- What happened? - He seems worried which tells me I've done a shitty job in hiding my emotions.

- Can I stay in your house for a few days? - I start crying.

- Of course. Can you drive, do you want me to pick you up? I can get your car tomorrow morning. - He's the best friend ever.

- No Z, I'll drive, it will help me clear my mind. Thank you. 

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