Chapter 14

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It's 4:30 in the morning and Zayn and I are heading to London. It's really cold and I'm really tired, is a musician's life always like this?

- I'm moving to London. - Zayn says bringing me back to reality.

- Why? - I ask but I already know the answer, I guess I'm just too scared to move in with Louis. I feel like I'm going to mess everything up.

- Well, it will obviously be easier and it seems like we'll need to be there a lot. You should consider it too. - He smiles at me.

- I know but I didn't want to drop college. - I shrug.

- Well, you could take a gap semester, we just made enough money for you to pay it. - As he says it, it hits me. - If everything goes badly you can still come back and pay for it.

- You're right. Louis is moving tomorrow, maybe I can stay with him until I find my own place. - Zayn raises his eyebrow.

- You're not moving in with him? - I see he tries to hide some emotion but I'm not sure what it is.

- I don't really know. I want to and I love him but I somewhat think it's too early. - I look at the road as I say it.

- You've been together for 5 months now, people get engaged earlier than that. - He pushes me. - What's wrong?

- To be honest, nothing and that's the problem. I have this thing where I love sabotaging myself, he's too perfect, everything is perfect. I can't help thinking everything's going to end soon. - I say what's been on my mind ever since Louis asked me to move in with him.

Zayn's quiet for the rest of the ride. As we arrive at RCA there's already a van and Candice and Simon are waiting for us. It's 4:55.

- There you are. Get in the van, we need to go to Capital. - We all go to the radio which is already open, we go to a room and there's a beautiful woman I've never seen before. She's blonde and has blue eyes, absolutely gorgeous and I'm already in love. I look at Zayn and I see his drooling.

- Close your mouth. - I laugh, he looks at me angrily.

- Hey, I'm Perrie. I'm your vocal coach. - She smiles, she's perfect.

- Hi. - Me and Zayn say at the same time.

She helps us warm our voices up, while we're doing the exercises the hair and make-up crew work on us. When everything it's done we have 15 minutes before going live. I'm really nervous, we wait a little more and a guy calls us, we go in. It's the first time I'm on the radio but it's so cool, I feel so emotional. We check our mics and if we're hearing well. The guy starts talking.

- Good morning everyone, it's 9 AM and today we have first timers here at capital, you may have heard their amazing tune that just came out Dusk Till Dawn, ladies and gents, Zayn and Ember!

- Hi! - Zayn and I answer at the same time.

- Ok so there's so much we want to know, who are you, where did you come from. Are you dating? - I'm very disoriented but my communicative side takes the wheel. Zayn's more shy so I doubt he would answer half of these questions.

- So, Zayn is from bradford and I'm actually from Brazil. We met in college here at oxford and our choir professor thought we had enough potential to get us both a record deal. - I smile.

- And are you going to be a duo? Because I see it's Zayn's song featuring you.

- No, we just recorded and it sounded good so the label thought it would be nice if we could debut together. - Zayn answers.

- Amazing. I have good news for you. - The guy smiles at us. - I have in my hands this week's billboard hot 100. - I freeze, I never thought we'd be in that chart, only the big artists get in there. I guess I have the big artists who promoted us to thank for.

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