Chapter 13

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There's a long silence before he lets out a long sight.

- Why? - He sounds tired.

- Because our manager thought it was good for PR. I tried to contest it but she said it was on my contract and I had to do it. - I'm almost crying. - I'm so sorry.

- It's ok. - He sounds sad now.

- Lou, I'm really sorry. I don't want to hurt you like this. I wish I could be there to hug you.

- It's ok, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep ok?

Even though I'm tired, I can't sleep. It's been about four years since I wrote my last song, as a teen I used to do it all the time when I couldn't sleep but as I started to get busy on my work to get the scholarship I stopped and right now I feel like writing again. I'll also need songs anyways so I might just start.

I wake up with a gentle knock on the door. I open my eyes and try to make sense of where I am, I slowly remember I'm at the hotel. I get up and open the door.

- Good morning. - Zayn smiles.

- Hey. - I feel so tired I wish I could just go back to bed.

- Ready to go home? - He asks and I nod, I gather my things and we head to Zayn's car.

- Why are they debuting us together? - I ask as for me, it didn't make sense until now.

- Probably because it's cheaper, it's one video, they only have to promote it once. I think it's safer for them as they don't really know us and there's no way to know if we're going to make it. - He shrugs, it does make sense.

- Got it.

- They are treating the video today and are probably going to have it ready by tomorrow. They want to release it by friday. - He smiles but keeps his eyes on the road.

- Why are they rushing it?

- I'm guessing the label needs money so they are rushing to see if one song blows up enough to save them. If everything goes right, they'll have two people giving them more money at once.

- How do you know all of this? - I laugh, it seems made up.

- I googled, they have some big artists but it seems one of them sued the label and they are having financial problems. - He shrugs.

- Wow.

As I arrive in my apartment I go straight to sleep as I'm too tired for anything. I text Louis to let him know I'm home and that he can just come in. I gave him keys about a month ago. As I'm sleeping, I feel arms around me.

- Lou? - I ask.

- Yes, love. - He kisses my neck. - Let's wake up?

- What time is it? - I ask turning so I'm facing him but hiding my head in his chest so he doesn't feel my morning breath.

- 9 am. - He kisses the top of my head. - I have some news for you.

- What? - I gently open my eyes.

- So, you remember I was talking to some scouts right? - I open my eyes more so I can see him, I nod.

- I got an offer from Arsenal. - He smiles wide. - It's the third best british football team, they play in the premier league.

- Oh my god Lou, that's amazing! - I kiss him and go back to cuddling him.

- Yeah, I'm so happy Em. This was my dream. - He pulls me closer.

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