Chapter 18

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I'm trying to drive to Zayn's house. My vision gets blurry and I have to stop several times, my concentration it's bad and I almost change lanes. As I calm down for the fifth time, I start the engine and shortly arrive at Zayn's place. He texted me where to park my car, which I'm not sure it's mine anymore as Louis gave it to me. Zayn is standing by the garage door and as soon as I park he comes running towards me:

- Are you ok? - I get out of the car and close the door but don't answer him.

He holds my face and I start crying, Zayn let's my face go and hugs me. I get to a stage where there's no more tears.

- It's best if we go inside. - I say nothing, he gets the key off my hand and gets my luggage and then closes my car and takes my hand guiding me through the building into the elevator and his apartment.

His apartment it's not very big but has loads of space. It's loft style with a bed, what I assume it's a bathroom and a kitchen. Zayn guides me to the bed and sits me there, he sits in front of me.

- Now tell me, what happened? - He holds my face, I start sobbing and tell him everything.

- I can't believe it. - He says as he hugs me again, we stay like that for a while. - Love you should get some sleep, you've been crying for too long, I'm getting you some water.

- No I'm ok, where should I sleep? - I ask looking around.

- You can have the bed. - He gets up but I take his hand.

- No, please. Can you sleep with me? - I ask and he nods. I grab my things and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on pajamas, as I go back into the room Zayn it's already in his. I lay on the bed and Zayn lays by my side. - Z?

- Yes?

- Will you cuddle me? If that isn't weird? - I ask and he exitates but then passes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. In the morning I'll search for places to stay. I'm thinking about what I need as I start to fall asleep.

October - BBC NEWS

"Ember buys new flat in West Brompton"

Following the success of her and Zayn's first single, the star buys an extremely expensive flat in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in London...

November - DAILY MAIL

"Songstress Ember releases debut album"

The star's debut album is already number one in several countries and follows a three month break from social media which is very uncommon for new artists. It seems like the wait made it all more exciting as it broke the chart, critics say it's a very relatable break up album in which you can feel her emotions as she goes through the experience. As her romance with Zayn was only a rumor, fans die to know who the songs are about...

December - THE SUN

"Ember fans are concerned about the star's mental health"

Fans seem concerned about the singer's well being as new pictures show the star's bones surfacing. Rumors on eating disorders and substance abuse...

January - METRO

"Singer Ember gets arrested for public fight"

After a night clubbing the star got out seeming fairly alterated. When paparazzi went to take pictures, the start hit them and got involved in a public fight...

February - DAILY MAIL

"Ember gets admitted to a rehab center"

The singer spokesperson comments on the star's condition "Ember has a long history of battle with mental health, eating disorder and substance abuse" says the representative "the past year had provoked several changes in her life which ended up triggering her conditions and leading to what we're seeing today. She's doing great and it's going to stay in the center for a few months as she's trying to get better"...


"Ember leaves Rehab center"

The singer leaves a three month treatment looking happier and healthier. Zayn, the singer's former lover says she's "in an amazing condition and doing better"...


"Singer Ember breaks contract with RCA records before the first year risking a lawsuit"

In the new documentary the singer speaks out on the truth about the record label and the abuse it puts on its artist as well as the fake relationship with her best friend Zayn to increase streams of their song without the singers consent and the breakup with her then boyfriend Louis Tomlinson which led to her rehab admission earlier this year.

As I'm walking through the park, I'm feeling refreshed. Ever since rehab I haven't hurt myself once, I didn't starve myself or got high and I am finally free. I sit on a bench and soak up the air and the sun.

- Ember? - I hear a familiar voice that I haven't heard in almost a year.

- Louis?

The End

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