Chapter 8

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I sit on the table and nervously look at my hands. There's an awkward silence, Harry's the first one to speak:

- Hey, I'm sorry I acted so badly, Louis probably told you that we dated, it wasn't that long ago and I thought I was over it but clearly I'm not. I'm sorry for getting between you two. - When he said it wasn't that long ago I felt angry. I guess this is jealousy but I've never experienced this before so I can't really tell. He's being too nice though.

- Harry, I'm the one who's sorry. If I knew, I would never show affection in front of you, I imagine that must hurt.

- No, I'm the one who should be sorry. - He looks me in the eye.

- Actually, none of us should be sorry. We're only victims of the universe here. I'll try not to show affection in front of you and I hope you can forgive me and we can be friends. - I touch his hand.

- You shouldn't hide your relationship from me, especially if we're all friends. I'll try to contain myself. - He smiles.

- Oh my god, you're too nice. - I smile back. - I'll try to contain myself too. - We both get up and hug. - I'm really sorry.

- Don't be. - We break apart, Harry laughs. - I guess Lou has a type.

- What? - How can he joke like this right after the conversation we had, but honestly, I think he's just trying to make me comfortable.

- Well, we're both green eyed brunettes. - I take a look at him and realize that's true. We kinda look alike.

- We could've been siblings, I'm actually adopted. - I laugh and he pretends to be shocked.

- Let's fake we are! - He hugs me again and all the boys get in the kitchen.

- Wow, what's happening here. - Liam screams.

- Oi, are you trying to steal my girlfriend mate! - Louis screams, I feel Harry getting tense as he is still hugging me. Wait, girlfriend?

- Actually, I am. - He jokes.

- No! This would be incest Harry! - I scream and try to make him let me go. He laughs so hard I manage to run from him.

- What do you mean? - Niall is confused, as always. Me and Harry laugh.

- Well... I'm adopted and Harry and I kinda look alike so maybe we're siblings. - Everyone laughs.

- What are we laughing about? - Zayn enters the room, I feel tense and Louis puts his hand on my back to pass me security. I feel ashamed of what I did but Zayn doesn't seem to remember it.

- There is a crazy theory going on. - Liam says as if nothing happened. - Harry and Ember are siblings.

- Well, I guess Louis has a type. - Oh my god, Zayn has no filter. Everyone laughs and I join them but it sounds fake.

It's past lunch time so we end up ordering pizza and eating it. I say goodbye to everyone and Louis takes me home, as we arrive I invite him in and he accepts it. I realize I'm still wearing his clothes which are a t-shirt and sweatpants. I suddenly start imagining Louis in them but stop as he asks me what I want to do.

- To be honest, there's something I wanted to do for a while. - I bite my lip.

- And what's that? - His pupils dilate and I know he's thinking the same as I am.

I get up and take his hand. I guide him to my room and as we get there he gently lays me in bed and kisses me roughly. I'm on fire and I want more but I have to tell him:

- Lou, I've never done this before. - He looks confused but smiles.

- Are you sure? - He puts a lock of my hair behind my ear.

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