Chapter 4

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I walk into my physical education class and I see the guy who speaks very slowly. His body is very defined and I can see the muscles popping out of his white shirt.

- It's Harry, right? - I smile.

- Hi! Yes. Ember? - He smirks.

- Yes. Are you taking the physical education class too?

- Yes, I'm a physiotherapy major.

- Amazing.

- All right everyone. Let's warm up, ten laps. - The teacher screams at us as if we weren't by her side.

- Do you want to run with me? - Harry asks. I start jogging by his side. - So... - He starts to ask but stops himself.

- What? Now I'm curious.

- You and Louis? - He sounds indiferent.

- What? - I panic and he laughs.

- He's my best friend, he tells me everything.

- Oh, I mean it's just a date and I'm not even sure he likes me. The thing is, I've been burned before and I'm going to take everything very slow.

- He's a really nice guy. - He smiles but seems to be thinking about something else. I start to get out of breath so I just stop talking.

The rest of the class goes well. Harry is way fitter than me and wins me in every sprint but, as I played volleyball my whole life, I wasn't too far behind. We had fun running together and I realize how nice he is. By the end of class the endorfine starts to kick in and I'm feeling great, Harry and I go to eat lunch together and he tells me about how he worked in a bakery as a teen and how his teachers told him that he should give up on his course because there weren't many jobs in the area.

- I also really love to sing. - Harry says, sometimes I feel like shaking him to see if he can speak a little faster but he's so nice I reprehend myself from thinking about it.

- Really? Me too. - I smile.

- Today it's karaoke night at the pub we met. We are all going there, you should come too. - His eyes light up.

- Yes! - I almost scream. I love singing and am always eager to mention it in a conversation. My first dream was to be a singer but I was never talented enough.

We finished our lunch and I accompanied him to the football field and, as the boys had training, I stood there watching. They all play really well but of course I watched Louis the whole time. After the game, I wait for the boys and Olivia as they shower and we all go to the pub.

- So, who's gonna be the first one to sing tonight? - Liam asks, he looks a little drunk and he does weird faces all the time, I really like him, he's really funny and dorky.

- Me and Ember. - Harry says and I almost choked on my water.

- What?

- Yes, let's go! - He grabs my hand and takes me to the stage. I get very nervous as the first notes of Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande start to sound.

Harry starts singing and his voice is heavenly, I start to freak out because, beside him, I'll sound so bad. He points to me when the pre chorus starts to tell me that I should sing. I close my eyes and try to picture being in the shower. I sing the whole time with my eyes closed, when I open them Harry is smiling at me and I realize everyone is cheering. I feel more comfortable as the song goes and we even do the high note together.

- Oh my god that was amazing! - I almost scream as I sit on the table and another group of people start singing.

- You were amazing, why did you not say you could sing like that? - Liam asks me and passes his arm around my shoulder, he's like a big brother.

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