Chapter 12

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I wake up with the pressure of Louis' weight on me. His head is on my chest and he's hugging my waist. He looks so peaceful I don't want to wake him up yet so I just run my fingers through his hair and debate if I should tell him about the kiss or not. As he starts to wake up I decide not to.

- Good morning. - I smile as I see his blue eyes open.

- Hey, what time is it? - His voice is so raspy. My heart just warms as I see him like this, I love him so much.

- 11 am. - He closes his eyes again and lays his head on my chest, I love seeing him this sleepy. I just keep passing my fingers through his hair. My phone vibrates and he reaches for it.

- Why is Zayn texting you? - He's still sleepy, I get tense but as I see he's just curious I respond.

- I don't know to be honest. - I grab the phone, his head is still on my chest. - He finished the song!

- Song?

- Yeah, remember I told you he asked me to be in their choir? Well I went there and the professor told us to sing one of his songs so we went to his new place to practice and it turns out he got a record deal and wanted me to sing with him on his new song. Isn't that crazy? - I'm smiling.

- You went to his place? - He lifts his head so he can look at me.

- Don't worry, we just recorded a song. - I decide to ignore the fact that Zayn and I kissed as this morning it was obvious to me who I truly love. - I have to go there to listen, you can come with me if you want.

- Ok. - He smiles.

We shower together and have breakfast before we get in his Porsche to Zayn's house. As we arrive, Zayn looks confused but smiles and hugs us both, we go straight to the studio.

- Are you guys ready? - Zayn's so excited it's contagious, honestly I don't know what to expect.

- I am! - Louis is very quiet which is out of character but I guess he's just feeling a little out of his element. I hold his hand and he squeezes it. Zayn plays the song, we are all quiet and I feel like crying. Zayn produced it in such a beautiful way, made it emotional and teatrical.

- Zayn, this is amazing. - I feel some tears falling. Louis hugs me.

- This is really good. - He smiles and kisses my head. Zayn turns so he doesn't see our affection.

- Thank you. I already sent it to the label and they loved it, they asked if you're available to work with them. - Wait what? - They also want us to record the video together next week. Do you think you can make it? It's going to be my debut single and they want to release it as soon as possible, it could be yours too. - I'm speechless and as everything Zayn is saying sinks in I start to cry. 

Not a pretty emotional cry, that cry where you sob nonstop. Louis hugs me and passes his hand through my back and I hide my face on his chest. As I calm down I look at Zayn, he looks worried but stood where he was.

- I'm sorry. I just can't believe what's happening, I'm so fucking happy. - I get up and go hug him. - Thank you so much for making my dream come true. - I realize we are in the same position where we were yesterday when we kissed. I let him go and quickly go back to where I was sitting. Louis kisses my cheek.

- You deserve it.

We play the song once more and I cry a bunch more. My phone rings and I go answer it leaving the boys in the room.

- Hi, Ember? - A woman's voice asks.

- Yes. - I answer.

- I'm Candice, from RCA records, do you think you could pass on our office tomorrow morning?

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