Chapter 16

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- It's not what it looks like. - As I say it, he laughs ironically.

- People say that when it's exactly what it looks like.

- No Lou, really. What happened is that I was calming Zayn before the performance...

- Calming him down? - He sounds so angry now.

- Will you let me fucking explain? - Now I'm mad as well. - Zayn was really nervous so I grabbed his face which is a habit that I picked up from you actually and I just spoke to him. That bitch that calls herself our management took a picture from an angle which looks like I'm kissing him and posted it. I went off on her for it because this will destroy my career that hasn't even started. I know you won't understand but she should understand that the world is not too kind to women. People will think I'm cheating on you and will cancel me. - I start crying. - She told me that it was my job and I had to comply. - Louis hesitates to hug me and when he does, it's not the same. I cry even more, I can't lose this, it's the only good thing I have. - Please believe me.

- I don't know what to think. I believe in you but I'm also hurt by it, I don't know if I can take these constant rumors. - I get off his arms to see if he'll pull me closer but he doesn't, I go to his room and I lay in bed crying. I cry so much I end up sleeping and he never comes.

I wake up and the house is really silent. I check my messages and there is nothing from Louis. There's a message from Niall, I open a weak smile and I decide to call him.

- Hey, how's my best friend who never calls me anymore? - He fakes a sad voice.

- Hi Nialler, I miss you. - It's been two weeks since we spoke, that's the longest time since I arrived in England.

- I miss you too. You should come by, there's someone I want you to meet. - He sounds happy.

- Is this person there today? - I ask.

- Yes.

- Ok, I'm going to Oxford, see you in a bit. - I can feel his smile as he answers.

- Amazing.

I get in my car and drive to Oxford. It's a long drive but it helps me clear my head, the fight I had with Louis wasn't our normal fight, he was distant. I arrive at the football team house and enter without ringing the doorbell as I'm practically a resident of this house.

- Ember! - Niall shouts as he sees me and hugs me tight, I hug him back.

-I see that behind him there's a brunette with pink highlights at the end of her hair. As I let Niall go I look directly into her eyes and realize they're blue. She's stunning.

- This is Hanna. - Niall answers with his strong Irish accent. - She's from the US.

- Nice to meet you. - I answer happily, I already like her as I can see she makes Niall happy, he deserves the world. - I'm Ember.

- I figured. - She smiles. - Nice to meet you too.

- So, I've seen everything that's going on... - I shake my head and he stops talking.

- I don't want to talk about it, can we go somewhere? I'd love to get to know Hanna.

- Sure.

We go for a car drive around the city and then go eat ice cream in a newby city that, according to Niall, has the best ice cream in the world. My phone battery dies and I haven't spoken to Louis all day which makes me kinda worried, Niall's phone rings.

- Hey mate. - He answers. - Yes, she's with me. - He frowns. - Do you want to talk to her? - I assume it's Louis and my hopes get up as Niall asks. - Ok then, bye mate. - I feel sad and immediately want to cry, Niall looks at me.

- Was it Louis? - I ask, looking down.

- Yes, he was very worried. What happened?

- Nothing. - We are now walking in the city. We walk silently for a while.

- Is Louis your boyfriend? - Hanna asks.

- Yes, we're not doing well in the moment.

- I'm a psychology major and I can see that's eating you up, do you want to talk about it? I'm fine with that. - She's amazing, I'm so happy for Niall but sad at my own misery so I just start crying and tell them everything.

- Ember, Louis is a person who cares about what other people think, you have to show him that you'll always be there for him no matter what. He has trust issues and is very jealous as you may know.

- He also seems like a person who cares deeply about you. - She smiles and takes a lock of hair off my face.

- How do you know that?

- He was here, you guys missed each other for half an hour. He's a really great guy and spoke very highly of you. - I cry even more. They both hug me.

- I don't deserve you guys. - I smile. My face is still puffy but I can breathe again.

- You're right. - Niall says and I hit him lightly. We laugh and walk back to our car, we sing songs while we go back to Oxford and I scream as Dusk till Dawn plays on the radio. 

When we arrive, I'm determined to go back and apologize to Louis, as I'm driving back I turn on my voice notes and play with the song I was already writing about him. As I arrive in the building I feel nervous, I'm afraid of what Louis is going to say or think but I already have everything planned in my head. I open the door and Louis is sitting on the couch watching TV, as he hears me he gets up in a jump.

- Em, I was so worried. - He walks fast towards me and hugs me, I almost start crying.

- I wrote you a song. - He steps back so he can look me in the eyes.

- Really? - He has a smile in his lips and I just want to kiss him.

- Yes. I never actually showed a song of mine to anyone and I just finished it, didn't even train so go easy on me. - I'm very nervous.

- Hey, it's ok. - He holds my face and kisses me.

- Ok. - I grab my guitar that is sitting on the other side of the living room. I actually left my guitar in Brazil and bought another one last week. I have trouble finding the right notes as I only played it on a guitar once but I find it and start singing:

Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves

Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there's no us

Why'd I have to break what I love so much?

It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say


It's all me in my head

I'm the one who burned us down

But it's not what I meant

Sorry that I hurt you

I don't wanna do, I don't wanna do this to you

I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you

I need to say, hey

It's all me, just don't go

Meet me in the afterglow

Why'd I have to break what I love so much?

It's on your face, don't walk away, I need to say

Tell me that you're still mine

Tell me that we'll be just fine

Even when I lose my mind

I need to say

Tell me that it's not my fault

Tell me that I'm all you want

Even when I break your heart

- Well, it still needs polishing and it's not finished but... - I stop talking because I start crying. - He comes to me, takes the guitar off my arms and sits by my side, putting me on his lap.

- It's beautiful, thank you for telling me this. - We kiss. 

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