Chapter 9

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The last four months have been crazy, so many things happened in such a short amount of time. It's been a week since me and Louis said we loved each other and nothing could be better. It's friday and we're at the pub to get together before the finals next week.

- Lads, I have an announcement. - Zayn says, he looks happier than ever.

- Go on mate. - Niall says as he drinks his beer.

- I'm quitting the team. - Everyone gasps and Niall almost spits his beer.

- Wait, what? - Liam says.

- You're one of our best players. Who's going to be our attacker now? - Olivia seems desperate. I'm quiet but to be honest, I'm happy for Zayn.

- I actually helped coach selecting him, he's coming to meet us in a few minutes.

- Why are you leaving? - Harry asks.

- I was unhappy. - He shrugs. - To be honest, I was making you all miserable too, but we'll still see each other, I promise. - He smiles in a way I've never seen before, I smile with him.

- We can share a flat. - I suggest.

- The hell! - Louis screams without wanting to and covers his mouth but everyone laughs.

- I mean, he won't be able to live with you guys anymore, it would be easier if we split a place. - It makes sense but Louis doesn't look too happy. I whisper in his ear. - Play nice.

- Hey, your new attacker is here. - Zayn says happily and as I turn, I can't believe what I'm seeing.

- No fucking way. - I say what I was thinking and everyone looks at me, same as the new boy who's coming our way.

- Do you know him? - Niall asks.

- It makes sense... - Zayn says very quietly. - Hi Enzo!

- Hi everyone. - He smiles, that smile... He looks at me with his glowing eyes. - Ember, you look nice.

- Enzo. - I smile uncomfortably. I feel Louis passing his arm around me, marking his territory.

- How do you know each other? - Louis asks.

- We went to high school together, but he moved to Spain after we graduated. - I shrug and try to sound as casual as I can, pretending this wasn't my crush through all three years of high school who I only forgot after dating Louis. Even after I graduated, I still thought of him, he never liked me, it was completely platonic but I thought he was the one because I never liked anyone other than him until now.

They all get to know each other and I stay really quiet, trying not to think of him and flare up feelings. I wasn't drinking tonight but I definitely need a drink now.

- Babe, I'm going to the bar. - I kiss him. - As I get up, I see that Enzo has been looking at us. I ask for my usual mojito and sit on one of the chairs there. Someone sits by my side and I pray it's Louis, but as I turn I see my teenage love. We speak in portuguese.

- Hi. - I try to sound indifferent.

- What a coincidence right? - He smiles, that smile always takes my breath away.

- Yes. - I smile and take a big sip of my drink. - So, how are you?

- I'm fine. I earned a scholarship in the University of Madrid to play football and was there until now. Oxford offered more that I had there. - He shrugs, I almost feel like saying that I know because I stalk him on Instagram. - And you, I see that you're dating. - He points his chin at our table and I see Louis watching us.

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