Chapter 2

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Later that night, (Y/n) and Bilbo were preparing their supper. Setting the plates down on the dining room table, they readied their napkins and seasoned their food. Bilbo was squeezing a lemon onto his fish when the doorbell rang. The siblings stopped and looked up in confusion in unison. Getting up from their seats, they walked to the door and opened it. They did not expect what they saw.

Standing before them was a dwarf. He was wearing a cloak and what seemed to be armor under it. The top of his head was bald with tattoos, and he had a short beard. He bowed, not taking his eyes off the hobbits.

"Dwalin, at your service" he said.

Bilbo let out a small whimper and fixed his robe. He found his voice and said "Bilbo and (Y/n) Baggins, at yours"

Dwalin let himself into the hobbit hole as Bilbo kept speaking "Do we know each other?"

The dwarf looked at Bilbo in a strange way and replied "No" before continuing inside. (Y/n)'s eyes followed Dwalin as he walked, confused, then looked back at Bilbo, then returned her gaze to the dwarf as he spoke.

"Which way laddie? Is it down here?"

"Is what down where?" (Y/n) asked.

Dwalin handed her his cloak as he said "Supper. He said there'd be food, and lots of it!"

"He-he said? Who said" Bilbo questioned as (Y/n) put the cloak on a coat hanger.

Not long after, the siblings sat and watched as Dwalin ate their food. He choked down the head of a fish, and (Y/n) scrunched her nose in disgust. Bilbo sat, not knowing what to do as the dwarf ate their food.

"Very good, this. Any more?" Dwalin asked, mouth still full of fish.

"Oh, yes... yes" (Y/n) said, standing. She went over and got a plate full of rolls. She sneakily pocketed two for herself and Bilbo, and handed the dwarf the rest "Help yourself".

As he ate, Bilbo got up and stood next to his sister, saying "It's just that, um, we weren't expecting company"

When he stopped, the doorbell rang again. Both looked to the door as Dwalin stopped eating for a moment to speak.

"That'll be the door"

(Y/n) nodded and looked at her brother.

"Okay, I'll get that. You just stay here and... yeah" She said before running off to get the door.

When she opened it, another dwarf stood there. He had an aged, friendly face, and his hair was white. His beard was long, and came to two points at the end. He smiled at her and spoke.

"Balin, at your service" he bowed.

"Good evening" she replied with a small smile.

"Yes. Yes, it is. Though, I think it might rain later" Balin said as he walked inside "Am I late?"

"Late for what" (Y/n) asked, genuinely confused. Balin didn't answer. Instead, he looked to the side where they saw Dwalin reaching his hand into the cookie jar, and Bilbo desperately trying to stop him.

"Oh! Ha ha! Evening brother!" Balin exclaimed, walking towards Dwalin.

Dwalin smiled, put down the jar, and looked at Balin, saying "By my beard, you're shorter and wider than last we met!"

"Wider, not shorter. Sharp enough for both of us" Balin said. The two began laughing as (Y/n) closed the door. A thud was heard as the two dwarves banged their heads together and continued laughing.

Bilbo, who managed to hide the cookie jar, looked between them and said "Uh, excuse me? Sorry, I hate to interrupt. But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house".

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