Chapter 8

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Wargs howled in the distance as they tracked down their prey. Orcs yelled as they saw Radagast break through the trees on his sleigh, leading the orcs away from the company. Gandalf peered from behind a rock, watching the chase.

"Come on!" he told the group, leading them through the rocks. They could hear the wargs howling. The company ran as fast as they could, but stopped when they saw Radagast cross in front of them.

"Stay together" Gandalf whispered.

"Move!" Thorin yelled, running the way they just came.

Hiding between rocks, Gandalf ushered the dwarves and hobbits forward. When the orc pack passed, Gandalf moved them forward.

"All of you, come on! Come on! Quick!"

Thorin looked to the gray wizard and asked "Where are you leading us?". Gandalf didn't respond, only looking at the dwarf and rushing forward with the others. Thorin rolled his eyes and followed.

Everyone had to quickly hide behind a large rock as the orcs passed in front of them again. They hushed when they heard sniffing and snarling above them. An orc atop a warg was close. Thorin looked to Kili, who looked right back, having a silent conversation. Kili notched one of his arrows in his bow, quickly running from his hiding stop, and shot the warg. It let out a snarl and growled, the orc riding him preparing his weapon. Kili shot the orc and the two fell from the rock next to the group. It let out a squeal and snarl, alerting the other orcs to their whereabouts. Dwalin attacked the orc with his axe, and it let out more and more grunts of pain. Gandalf watched for a moment before yelling.

"Move! RUN!!"

Everybody ran. (Y/n) stayed close to Bilbo, not wanting to lose him. Kili looked back after her to make sure she was still with them. They heard the howls and barks of the wargs. Gloin pointed and shouted.

"There they are!"

In front of them was the pack, gaining on them.

"This way! Quickly!!"Gandalf yelled.

Soon Thorin stopped as they saw the leader of the pack in front of them. (Y/n) turned around to try and find a way out, but wargs were coming from all sides.

"There's more coming!!" Kili shouted.

"Kili!! Shoot them!!" Thorin yelled to him. Kili began to fire his arrows at the orcs, delaying their attack.

"We're surrounded!" Fili exclaimed.

The group came closer together as the orc pack closed in on them.

"Where's Gandalf?!" Dori yelled.

"He's abandoned us!" Dwalin declared.

The wargs kept coming, eyes fixed on the company, ready to kill. (Y/n) unsheathed her sword, ready to protect herself. Bilbo followed suit.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin shouted, readying his sword.

"This way, you fools!" Gandalf declared from behind a short rock.

"Come on! Move!"

Gandalf disappeared behind the rock.

"Quickly! All of you!" Thorin yelled. As the dwarves all jumped, they discovered a slide down to a passageway. Thorin quickly killed a warg that was about to attack (Y/n). She turned around and nodded her thanks, but saw Kili still firing arrows at the orcs.

"KILI!!" both Thorin and (Y/n) shouted at the same time "RUN!!"

Thorin then grabbed her arm and pulled her into the cave. Sliding down, she quickly stood up but was knocked down again when Kili landed on top of her. "Sorry" he mumbled. Looking down at her, he got up and offered his hand to her. She took it and was pulled up into his chest. They looked at each other, still holding hands, but then a horn blared from above. (Y/n) stepped back from Kili and let go of his hand, looking up at where the entrance was. They couldn't see what was happening, but heard the firing of arrows and the shrieks and growls of orcs and wargs. Soon, an orc came tumbling down the rock slide with an arrow embedded in its neck. Everyone pointed their weapons at it, only to find it dead. Thorin ripped the arrow out and examined it.

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