Chapter 7

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As the dwarves collected themselves from the troll attack, (Y/n) walked up to the face of one of the trolls. She knocked on his stone face, and smirked.

"Serves you right, ya bastard" (Y/n) muttered. She saw Gandalf hit his staff against the one of the other trolls, Thorin walking up to him.

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?"

"To look ahead" Gandalf replied.

"What brought you back?" Thorin questioned.

"Looking behind"

Thorin nodded his head, then looked up when Gandalf continued.

"Nasty business. Still, they're all in one piece" he said, referring to the company.

"No thanks to your burglars," Thorin told him.

"They had the nous to play for time," Gandalf stated, "None of the rest of you thought of that"

Thorin looked down, defeated.

"They must have come down from the Ettenmoors" the wizard said, looking at the trolls.

"Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south?" Thorin questioned.

"Not for an age. Not since a darker power ruled these lands" Gandalf replied quietly "They could not have moved in daylight"

"There must be a cave nearby" Thorin deduced.

Kili walked up to (Y/n)'s side. She looked at him and smiled.

"That was clever, what you did" he complimented.

"Thanks" she replied "I couldn't let you get eaten by trolls, now could I?"

"Indeed" he laughed "Apparently we have parasites?"

She laughed at this and spoke.

"They would've eaten Bombur! And it was all I could think of! And I remember you saying something about having 'the biggest parasites'?"

"You said parasites! I just went along with it!" Kili laughed. She couldn't help but stare at him as he did. It was as if she was under a spell. It was broken when Thorin yelled.

"Look for a cave! The trolls had to have one nearby"

(Y/n) looked at Thorin, then looked back to see Kili backing away to rejoin his brother. She sighed and walked next to Bilbo.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?"

"That little conversation with Kili. You were all giddy, and-and smiley" Bilbo continued.

Instead of answering, she said "Let's look for the troll cave"

Bilbo let out a breathy laugh and followed her. Not from after, the company found a large cave. Flies were buzzing around the entrance, and from what she could see, (Y/n) believed the inside wasn't much better. Gandalf led the group inside, and they all retched at the smell in the cave.

"Oh, what is that stench?" Nori asked.

"It's a troll hoard" Gandlaf answered " Be careful what you touch"

As more dwarves walked in, they all coughed and gagged at the horrid odor. Lighting torches, they looked around and saw a pile of gold coins and trinkets.

"Seems a shame just to leave it just lyin' around" Bofur said, eying the gold "Anyone could take it"

"Agreed" said Gloin "Nori, get a shovel"

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