Chapter 5

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The dwarves all got on their own ponies while Gandalf rode a real horse. Kili led (Y/n) to her pony.

"This is yours. Her name's Sky" he said. She looked at the beautiful white pony and smiled. (A/n I named the pony after my dog. She's a collie and looks like a horse sometimes haha)

"She's beautiful" (Y/n) said.

"Yeah... she is," Kili siad, looking at (Y/n). She glanced over at him and he looked down.

"Do you-do you need help?" he asked.

"No, I'll be fine, thank you" she said as she got on the pony. Kili nodded and walked away to his own pony.

As they got moving, the dwarves all began taking bets on whether Bilbo would show up or not.

"I know he'll show up! He'll come running I just know it" (Y/n) said to a majority of the dwarves. Some agreed, most disagreed.

"Didn't I say? Waste of time"

"That's true enough!"


"'Use a hobbit'? Who's idea was it anyway?"

"Excuse me, I'm a hobbit!"

"Sorry, lass"


Bilbo's yelling made everyone stop their ponies and look behind them. There, running through the grass, was Bilbo Baggins with a contract in his hand. (Y/n) smiled brightly as Bilbo ran up to the front of the line of ponies.

"I signed it!" he said, brandishing the contract above his head. He went up to Balin and handed it to him. Balin looked at Bilbo before checking the contract.

"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield" Balin announced. He winked at Bilbo as the other lighty laughed. Bilbo looked at (Y/n) and smiled a little, to which she laughed and smiled back, giddy.

"Give him a pony," Thorin told them. Bilbo looked startled.

"No, no. No, that won't be necessary. Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I-I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frogmorton once-"

"Bilbo, just get on a damn pony" (Y/n) said. Fili and Kili came up on either side of Bilbo and lifted him up onto a brown pony. (Y/n) laughed at his face.

Bilbo looked at the pony with a troubled face, holding the reins up to his chin. He got startled when the pony whined and (Y/n) smirked. Kili came up next to her.

"Well it appears you were right" he said.

"Of course I was. I knew he couldn't give up an adventure. Also, I know he also just wants to protect me" she replied.

"I could protect you" Kili voiced.

"I'm sure you could" (Y/n) replied, moving her pony up next to Bilbo. What she didn't see was Fili smirking at Kili, and Kili turning bright red.

"Come on, Nori! Pay up!" Oin shouted. He was thrown a bag full of coins, and so were other members of the group. (Y/n) saw her share get thrown her way and caught it, placing it in her satchel. Bilbo looked at her, confused.

"What's that about?" he asked.

"They took wages on whether or not you'd turn up" (Y/n) said, smiling as she did.

"Most of them bet that you wouldn't" Gandalf intervened, riding his horse next to Bilbo on the other side.

"I saw what (Y/n) thought, but, what did you think?" Bilbo asked Gandalf.

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