Chapter 4

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Opening the door, they were met with another dwarf. He had black hair with gray streaks from age and a short beard. He looked inside and walked, speaking as he did.

"Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door." he said as he took off his cloak.

Bilbo and (Y/n) squeezed their way through hordes of dwarves to stand next to Gandalf.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago" Bilbo said.

Gandalf closed the door and said "There is a mark. I put it there myself. Bilbo and (Y/n) Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit at his name. She read about him in her book, and about the fall of Erebor. Thorin handed his cloak to Kili and looked at the two.

"So, these are the hobbits," he said. He began circling them, saying "Tell me, Mr. and Miss. Baggins, have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon me?" Bilbo asked.

"Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?" Thorin continued.

"Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know" Bilbo said. (Y/n) bit her lip and shook her head at her brother "But I fail to see why that's relevant"

Thorin crossed his arms and said "Thought as much. They look more like grocers than burglars"
The other dwarves started laughing, and (Y/n) put her head back up, facing them all.

She spoke up saying "There was this one hobbit girl who thought she could take me in a fight. Lets just say she doesn't like coming within a hundred feet of me anymore. Her or her husband"

Thorin looked at her and smirked slightly, then said, "This journey requires more than skill in a petty hobbit fight"

She frowned and said "My choice of weapon would be a sword. I used to go out and practice when I was younger"

Thorin nodded his head and moved into where the dining room table now was, the other dwarves following.

Bilbo looked confused and said "When was this?!"

"Remember when I always came home all scraped up almost every night?" (Y/n) replied, sheepishly.

"That's what you were doing?! Practicing sword fighting!!" Bilbo exclaimed.

"Well you weren't so organised and neat when we were younger!!" (Y/n) snapped back, moving to follow the dwarves.

"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asked Thorin, who now sat at the head of the table, eating soup.

"Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms." Thorin answered.

"And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hills say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asked.

"They will not come. They say this quest is ours and ours alone" Thorin spoke, solemnly.

"You're going on a quest?' (Y/n) asks from behind Gandalf., with Bilbo next to her.

"Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light," Gandalf said, pulling out a map. Bilbo moved to get a candle, and (Y/n) moved herself to the left side of Gandalf.

"Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single, solitary peak" Gandalf said.

"The Lonely Mountain" (Y/n) read as Bilbo held a candle.

"Aye. Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it is time!" Gloin exclaimed

"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold" Oin said "'When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end"

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