Chapter 10

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The company fell onto a slide going down a tunnel. Everyone yelled and screamed as they slid down the tunnel, finally emptying out onto a wooden half cage. (Y/n) fell on top of Kili, and they both groaned when Bombur landed right on top of them. Kili looked her in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine-"

She tried replying, but was cut off when the company saw multiple goblins running their way. Kili grabbed (Y/n)s hood and pulled it over her head, concealing her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"You cannot let them know you're a woman! They'll make you stay as the Great Goblin's queen!" he quickly said, the worry evident in his eyes. She didn't have time to cringe in disgust at the thought.

The goblins jumped on the company, grabbing their limbs and preventing them from moving to get their weapons. The dwarves tried fighting anyway, but the goblins kept coming and attacking. Bilbo and (Y/n) watched for a moment, then realized no goblins were grabbing hold on them. They crouched down, staying small enough so that the goblins didn't see them.

Once the last goblin passed, they crawled to the edge of the platform and looked to see the dwarves being carried away, deeper into the mountain. They stood up and pulled out their swords, which were both glowing the bright blue color. Walking forward a bit, they crept after the rest of the company. Suddenly, a goblin jumped in front of them, with a sword in its mangled hands. It screeched and attacked them both, accidentally sending Bilbo over the edge of the platform.

"No! Bilbo!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she watched her brother fall. The goblin took this chance to jump on her. It bit down on her and she screamed, tripping, and both the goblin and (Y/n) took a tumble off the edge and down into the darkness.


Deep within the mountain, (Y/n) lay under large mushrooms, slowly waking up. Peaking through the mushrooms, she saw the goblin she was fighting laying unconscious on the ground. What she saw next freaked her to her core.

The first she heard was ragged breathing coming from a passage not far from her. She saw the thing creeping closer, eyeing the goblin with its huge, glowing eyes. It was pale and had very little hair on its head. It smiled at the unconscious goblin, and spoke in a ragged voice, like its breathing.

"Yesss. Yes. Yesss! Yesss!! Gollum, gollum!" it said. When it make the "gollum" noise, it sounded like a struggle in its throat.

The creature, Gollum, began dragging the goblin away. But the goblin woke up, flailing its arms and trying to attack Gollum. He took a rock beside him, and began bashing at the head of the goblin. As he did this, (Y/n) saw something fall out of its pocket. A glint of gold caught her eye. Gollum finally got the goblin under again, and spoke.

"Nasty goblinses! Better than old bones, precious. Better than nothing"

As the creature turned the corner and was out of sight, (Y/n) got up from under the mushrooms. She grabbed her sword, which was still glowing blue, and looked around. She looked down and saw that the glint of gold she had seen was, in fact, a golden ring. She picked it up and looked at it, then heard Gollum speaking and wailing again. Placing the ring in her pocket, she followed the sound.

"Aah! Too many boneses, precious! Not enough flesh! Shut up! Cut its skin off, start with its head"

(Y/n) heard it groaning, and then the creature began to sing a terrifying song. (Y/n) hid her glowing sword and watched from behind a rock as Gollum continued to bash the head of the goblin on its little rock island.

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