My Protector

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Description: A modern AU where you are getting bullied and Five stands up for you, but why?

Warning: Cursing, bullying


I walk through the gates of the school in my black hoodie and jeans, headphones in and music blasting, trying to avoid anyone and everyone.

I make it to my locker, and start to put my things away. I here the familiar voice of Troy and his goons walking down the halls.

He has been in high school for longer than some of the teachers, and he loves to bully anyone and everyone who is not part of his inner group.

He slams my locker shut, making me jump. "Hey guys, look at her! She's about to cry! Aww does the little baby need her mommy? Cry little girl, cry!" He laugh along with the rest of the group.

I command the tears to not fall, but a stubborn one slips out anyway. I quickly wipe it away and try to slip away. He slams his arm on a locker and his minions form a circle around me. I cower backwards, and run into one of them. They push me onto the floor. Troy gets right in my face to where I can smell his shit breath. "I wasn't done with you, slut." He growls.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A voice calls from down the hall. Five Hargreeves runs down the hall and stands protectively in front of me. "Don't you dare touch her."

Five is the only person Troy fears. Reginald Hargreeves basically owns our town, and anyone who messes with him or his kids gets in deep shit. The last person to mess with Five was expelled from school and their dad lost their job.

Troy spits at my feet and walks away, calling his goons like dogs to follow him.

He turns to me and offers me a hand. I gladly take it and look at him confused. "Why did you do that?"

He looks at me and blushes. "O-oh well it w-was n-nothing. Troy's an asshole as no one should be picked on. Especially you."

I blush super hard. I don't know what to do so pull him into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper into his ear.

He holds me protectively and says "No problem. I'll always protect you."

I pull away and smile. "How can I make it up to you?"

He looks down and ten looks back at me. "Well.... Maybe you could let me take you on a date?"

I look at him, shocked. No one has ever asked me out before. And this is THE Five Hargreeves! The boy all the girls are after and here he is asking me on a date. "U-Um me? Seriously? Uh ok. Pick me up at 6?"

He grabs a piece of paper from my locker and scribbles something down. "Here's my number. Text me later." He bites his lip, as if he's having a battle within himself. One side wins and he leans down and kisses my cheek. Then he practically sprints away with the biggest smile on his face. I smile and blush.

Hello again. OMG ALMOST 500 READS WHAT THE FLIP? Ok then um thanks for reading my random thoughts. I am really enjoying writing this and yeah. Would y'all like some aiden imagines? i have a few ideas but i'm not gonna make a whole book with it soooo... if you want them please tell me, or if you just like the Five imagines. Thanks and bye my lovelies 💕

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