Another Patch

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y'all are like 15/16 fyi

sorry if it says Eudoria sometimes autocorrects a bitch

Being the adoptive sister of Eudora Patch had its Ups and Downs. I was always compared to her, as she was "the golden child." But one of the good things is that I met Five.

She dragged me along to meet her boyfriend's family and Five and I immediately clicked.

One thing led to another, and now we're dating. Eudora and Diego tease us and it's literally the worst.

I was cuddled up with Five under the blankets on the couch, a movie playing on the screen. His arms are around my waist and i blindly play with his long fingers.

We here the door open, but don't pay it much attention, until we hear giggling. I sit up and look to see Eudoria and Diego giggling like school children.

"Can we help you?" I ask sarcastically. Five nuzzles his face tiredly into my neck making me hold back a smile.

"Awww! Diego why aren't we that cute?" She teases. I roll my eyes.

Diego pouts and hugs Eudora and I turn back to Five as the other couple continues to bicker.

"We're cuter than them right?" He whispers.

I smirk and peck his lip, him leaning in again making me giggle. "Definitely."

short but sweet because I got another idea and i need to write it before i forget-

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