I Heard a Rumor

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Description: five tells delores how he likes you but he's scared of rejection but you hear it


Your POV

I walk down the halls towards my room. The one next to Five's. I go into my room and plop down onto my bed.

My thought rush over today. Five was acting... strange these past few weeks.

Opening the door for me.
Sitting next to me at mealtimes.
Putting his arm around me.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind it, in fact,,, i kinda liked it.

You see, I have this thing called a crush. On Five Hargreeves.

He's just so adorable and snarky. Like how can you not love him?

I smile thinking about all these kind gestures and a blush also forms on my face.

I start to close my eyes, but before I do, I hear a faint muttering coming from Five's room. I can't hear him, so he must be talking to himself.

The I hear a slam, probably him hitting his desk?

He talks louder so I can hear him, thanks thin walls.

I sit up and listen to what he's talking about. "I can't do it Delores! What if she doesn't like me back? What if she laughs at me? No I don't have a license. I can't go anywhere for fucks sake. Oh yeah? where am i gonna take her? The zoo?" He says, like he's talking to someone. Who is Delores? Who is he talking about? I have just herd some juicy rumors.

"She would never like me back. Y/n is imperfectly perfect. She is amazing and I, Delores, I think I love her." He sigh and a crashing noise is herd.

I sit there, utterly shocked. Since when does your crush like you back? That never happens in real life!

I stand up and play music on my walkman and start to dance. I Dance until I accidentally hit my lamp, making it fall and crash. "Oooooh," I groan at the mess.

"Y/n are you ok?" Five asks me in a worried tone.

"Yeah, i'm fine, although i can't speak for the lamp..." I trail off as we both look at the mess.

"Mom!" Five yells.

Grace comes around the corner,"Yes dears?" He eyes trail to the mess. "Oh my. Well step away now children! We wouldn't want you getting hurt." She shoos us out of the room.

"So..." Five starts, "You want to come to my room?"

"Uh, Sure?" I say to him.

I follow him into his room and see a mannequin?

I walk over to it and turn back to Five. "Umm why do you have a creepy mannequin? I feel like it would haunt me in my sleep." I shudder at the thought.

"Her name is Delores. I'm...uh...doing experiments on her. Yeah." He seems satisfied with his answer.

Wait. He was talking to a Delores. About his feelings... Holy shit. He was talking to a mannequin!

I start to giggle and then it gradually turns to laughter and then Im almost rolling over in laughter. "Hey! What's so funny?" Five pouts, but he's also holding back laughter.

"Y-You were talking to a mannequin!" I laugh harder and now he starts to laugh as well.

After a minute or so, he stops laughing. "Um, what did I say exactly?" He says, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

I feel my cheeks heat up. I go up to him and take a deep breath. I place my hand on his cheek. "I-I like you too." I mentally smack myself for stuttering.

I press my lips to his, and luckily he kisses back. He moves his hands to the small of my back, our lips moving together.

I pull away and smile up at him. I smirks back at me. I place a quick peck on his lips and run out of the room giggling.

I lock my door and flip onto my bed, the glass all picked up. I am trying to not scream in happiness.

"Delores she kissed me! She actually kissed me!" I hear Five tell Delores. I giggle and sigh in content.

heheheh that was kinda bad but it got better? lol bye my loves muah

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