For the Kill

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Harry potter au

your welcome


I walk into Hogwarts, my head down. My y/h (your house) robes blowing gently in the wind.

I pull at my sleeves, hoping to cover the hideous mark on my left forearm.

A new Dark Lord has come to power, more powerful that Voldemort could ever imagine. And no one knows who he is. Just his followers. They are not the same, yet there is one problem. Yet he marks the same. The dark mark, because this allows his followers to hide among those marked before.

Brilliant. Terrifying.

This mark was forced upon me, as a result of my parent's capture. I was commanded to become one, or my parents would've been killed.

And my job.

I have to complete it before the end of the year.

My parent(s) life/lives depend on it.

So does mine.

And I have to kill.

I have to kill Five Hargreeves.

I don't know why the dark lord would want the bad boy of Hogwarts dead, but he wants me to kill him.

And I don't have a choice.

Even if I've taken a liking to this boy. I feel the need to protect him. Because there are people who want to hurt him. The dark lord.

I can't kill him.


Today, two months before the summer, I am going to try.

I am going to try to kill him. I don't want to. I hope he kills me first.

He is the top of the class. He would know how to kill me faster.

I follow his Slytherin robes through the castle, but little did I know that he knew I was following him.

My steps became uneven as my breath quickened. Was I really going to do this? Adrenaline pumped through my gains as fear overtook me.

I see Five go into the Room of Requirement.

I go in slowly, closing the door trying to not make a sound. I look around me and see the Room of Hidden Things.

(for those who don't know what i'm talking about)

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(for those who don't know what i'm talking about)

I see a trail through the clutter and creep around, only to see a spell go by my head.

A green one.

This bitch just tried to kill me. Little does he know I'm here to do the same.

I whip out my wand and Five comes around the corner, wand drawn.

We both shoot spell, dodging behind objects and trying to get the upper hand.

He is a much stronger dueler than me, and eventually he hits me, and I fly backwards, hitting the wall.

He walks over to me and holds his wand against my throat. "Do it." I croak, tears falling freely. "It's better than here, where my life is shit."

His eyes seem to show pity for a moment. In his pensive state, I look over his features. He is very cute.

No wonder half the school has a crush on him.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask.

He sighs and lowers his wand. I stare in disbelief. "I don't want to hurt you." He whispers.

"Why? You should. You don't even know me." I scoff at him.

"Maybe it's because I see you all the time, helping people, being kind, but then you shut people out. You became more distant. And I've wanted to talk to you ever since I saw you on that train, but I couldn't. Because how could a beautiful girl like you ever like a jerk like me?" He says, turning away.

I stand up and place a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe because this jerk still does nice things. Maybe because I see the good in you and I could never talk to you because I am afraid of what he's done to me." I confess.

When he turns around I don't see the angry, tense, bad boy side of Five everyone else sees.

I see a broken boy, a boy whose be scarred and beat down my his father countless times. To many times to count. (could low key be draco oops-)

I hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck as his go around my waist, both of us clinging to each other, not daring to let go.

We cry together, all the pain in our shoulders to much to bare.

He hugs me closer to him, his face biting in my hair. I run my hands through his comforting him, and him holding me just calming me.

I loosen my grip slightly and look at him. He looks into my eyes for a second and leans in slightly. "Can I- Can I kiss you?" He asks.

I close the space between us and our lips move passionately together, expressing our pain more than words possibly can.

My forehead leans against his as we take in shaky breaths. "Five, He's after you. The Dark Lord." I day quickly, looking into his eyes.

He looks back at me worriedly. "Y-you too."

He lifts up his sleeve to reveal a mark I know all too well. My eyes start to water as I trace us with my fingers. Oh Five, what have you done? "Why?" I ask quietly.

"He's got them. My siblings." He cries.

I pull him into another hug. "We'll figure this out. Together. I promise."

Part two?

And another thing. I just finished enola holmes of the third time and oOh i'm *exhale* i'm very bi. would you guys like a enola holmes x reader or a tewkesbury x reader book? this would probably come out after i finish my mike book but i would love to. bye my loves.

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