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Requested 😌

hope this is what you wanted

3rd Person POV

The mission alarm sounded throughout the house and the children scrambled to get their mission suits on and domino masks. They met Reginald downstairs and he told them the plan. "There has been a threat made by a new child, one with powers not unlike yourselves. She goes by the name of "G-Glitch." and has threatened to crash a very important party that some of the government are holding. A masquerade party. I want all of you to go undercover and watch out for this G-Glitch. We know nothing of her powers or strength, so be on high alert." He says, dismissing the children.

Five rolls his eyes, as he doesn't think there is a point for such a childish threat, what could this girl possibly do?

They all put on formal attire to blend in, and they got special masks so no one would suspect them.

They left for the party, ready to kick some ass.


The children enter the building, the place screaming wealth and importance. They go in, and start to patrol the party in groups, but Five goes on his own, as he thinks he can stand his own ground.

He's in the back, watching the couples when a girl about his age walks through the doors, an elegant red dress swishing as she walks, gold shoes and mask to match.

He watches as she goes to the food table, inspecting over the various items, but not getting anything.

Five is intrigued by the mysterious girl in red ( 😏 ). He makes his way over to the girl and taps her shoulder. She turns around and he is almost entranced by her y/e/c eyes. She sends a small smile his way and he scrunches his eyebrows, trying to see through her mask and catch a glimpse of the girl underneath. "May I have this dance?" He asks, bowing slightly (it's a very formal occasion and it's polite 🤷‍♀️) and extending his hand.

The girl accepts and dips in a slight curtsy.

Your POV

I accept the green-eyed boy's invitation, as my father wanted me to come, but I didn't expect any other kids to be here. "If you don't mind he asking," He asks me, "What are you doing her tonight?"

"My father owns the building. He wanted me to make an impression." I sigh, partially being true.

He also wanted a publicity stunt to scare the other political leaders into taking his idea. And he wanted me to use my powers.

We go out into the floor, various masked couples waiting for the next song to begin.

A tango.

The boy takes my hand and places his other on my waist, and mine goes to his shoulder. We dance in sync, and I'm surprised by his talent. "Done this before have you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He smirks. "My father had us take ballroom lessons, including the tango. You could say I'm experienced. You?"

"Same here. Looks like we have something in common." I smile at the boy. "I never caught your name."

"You first." He says.

"Now where are my manners?" I ask sarcastically. "Y/n." I tell him.

"Five." He says in one breath, trying to keep rhythm with the song as it comes to an end.

"Nice to meet you Five. It's a pleasure to meet. you." I say formally. He stares into my eyes and leans closer, and I don't stop him until he's a hairsbreadth away and I put a hand on his chest, stopping him. "I'm sorry, it's just that I just met you, I don't know anything about you..." I trail off.

He nods and let's go of my hand and waist, going away. "Five wait!" I whisper yell. "I'd like to get to know you more though." I blush.

He smiles softly and kisses my hand. "I'd like that."

He walks over to some other kids, conversing with them. They must know each other.

I feel eyes staring at me and turn to see my father. He nods at me and I sigh, knowing it's time to cause some damage.

I go to a deserted room and change into a black and purple suit, one suitable for combat, and take a few deep breaths, before heading out.

Five POV

After talking to Ben, I turn to look for Y/n again, but I can't find her, and that's when we hear it.


Like a girl's laughter. Buts it's glitching in and out, as if it's on a walkie-talkie and she's cutting out.


I turn to my sibling and they must have come to the same realization as me.

A girl comes down the stairs, her y/h/c hair in a ponytail, flowing elegantly. She has a black mask and when she looks up, I see her y/e/c eyes and realize who it is.


Y/n is G-Glitch.

Diego draws his knives and Klaus yells to everyone one, "Down!"

Diego let's them fly, but just as they're about to shred her skin, it looks as if she glitches to the side, dodging his knives.

We look at her, our eyes going wide.

Who is this girl?

She glitches again and suddenly she is in front of us. "Boo." She laughs again, but she sees me and I can see the reluctance in her eyes.

She doesn't want to do this.

She takes out my siblings quickly, moving at the speed of light, glitching in and out and knock them out.

She's so powerful and well trained. "Y/n!" I yell and her eyes flash with hurt. "Please you don't have to do this." I beg her.

"I'm sorry Five. He'll kill me if I don't."
She whisper in my ear, suddenly behind me.

I pull energy, my hands glowing blue. "Don't make me do this." I whisper back.

She also glows, her powers sparking a bright purple like her suit.

She winks and before I can do anything, she's gone.

I look in the spot when she left and there's seven words written.

Griddy's. Tomorrow. Ten o'clock. Don't be late.

Oh she's tricky alright. But more important question, when did she write that?

There will be a part two to this out tomorrow :)

As for your powers, it's kinda like super speed, but to other people it looks like a glitch, hence you're code name, G-Glitch. When you use your power, everything goes in slow motion, hence why you dodged the knives so easily.

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