Why do you hate me?

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Description: You are number eight, and you have a good relationship with all of your siblings, except Five. Oh yeah you have super speed

Warnings: cursing


I sprint through the hallways trying to get my suit together. The mission alarms are going off and everyone is scrambling to get ready. Once everyone is down stairs, Father tells us the plan. "There is a robbery at a bank. The job is to go in and take out all the robbers and free the hostages. Please do this quickly, we still are having afternoon lessons. Dismissed."

We start to jog in our formation, yes formation, down the street. We arrive at the bank, and since there is a huge group of people, we go in the back.

Allison goes into the room first and rumors one of the guys into shooting his friend in the foot. I try to push past and grab the gun, but Five holds me back. "Not now idiot. Wait your turn. Let the big boys handle this."

I roll my eyes. "Allison's our there."

"Yes, but she's able to defend herself."

I scoff, "Last time I checked, I beat you at sparring."

I turn back to see Luther run up that stairs. I roll my eyes. That boy and dramatic entrances. A few moments later, he drops front the ceiling and throws a guy out the windows.

Now it's Diego turn to run in and he tells the guys, "Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!" And throws his knives at the robber. I smile at the fact that he didn't let his stutter get in the way.

My legs are bouncing, itching to run.

One guy points a gun at Luther, Allison, and Ben. "Get back you freaks! Get back!"

"Hey, be careful up there buddy." Diego says

"Yeah wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison agrees.

Five smirks beside me and teleports. I roll my eyes. "Or what?" He asks appearing beside him. The guy shoot and I jump out of my skin, but Five jumps again. Five reappears behind him. He turns to shoot again, but he has a stapler. Five looks at it and smirks. "Ooh. That's one badass stapler." I giggle at his antics. He slams the guy with the stapler.

I take a step out, but Klaus stops me. " Y/n, you know dad doesn't like it when you go out there."

"Then why do I even come along? To help!"

He sighs, "Fine. Take down one guy. And don't get any blood on you or dad will know."

I smile.

I race out behind a guy. I tap him on the shoulder and He turns around and looks at me. "Surprise motherfucker," I punch him right in the nose before he can react.

I race back to Klaus. "That was epic y/n!"

I giggle, "Thanks."

The battle goes on and afterwards, we are swarmed with reporters, and a usual father takes care of them.

Back at home, run into my room to take a shower. Before I can even get my shoes off, Five jumps into my room. "What the heck was that y/n?" He yells at me.

I cross me arms over my chest. "I wanted to help. Besides what's it to you? Why do you treat me like this? Why do you hate me?" I ask, not so calmly, and lean against the wall.

He stalks over to me and I stand tall user his glare. "You could've gotten hurt." He sighs. "And I don't hate you... I'm just..."

"You're just what?" I ask when he doesn't continue.

"Scared." He sighs he gaze shifting to his hands.

"You're scared of me?" I ask in disbelief. Did he think I was going to hurt him?

"I'm not scared of you, I'm scared so this feeling that I get when I'm with you. It's like my stomach is doing flips and my heart beats faster, and I-I'm ashamed of it." He admits.

And he blushes.

Five Hargreeves blushes.

I smile and grab his hands. "I get a fluttery feeling when I'm with you too. And I don't know how to describe it. Like I need to make sure you're ok and happy."

I look up at him. I gasp as I see a tear run down his face. I hug him and laugh. "Hey are you crying?"

He laughs too. "I have no idea." He hugs me tighter and I blush.

Aweee that was sweet. I liked this one a lot. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'll probably update again today, no promises. Thank you for reading this book it means a lot to me! Bye my lovelies 💕💕

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