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Five paces around his room, a small box in hand. His thoughts race through his head. Y/n has been feeling a bit down lately, and he does his best, but she seems sadder almost all the time.

He figured out the a way to make her happy.

At least he hoped it would make her happy.

He open the box an looked at the small ring inside. It was a good band with two small diamonds. Five knows she doesnt like extravagant things, but this one was perfect.

He smiles a bit, thinking of what her reaction would be.

The way her smile would make him smile too, they way she would fidget with the other ring on her pinky, the one that belonged to her grandmother, and the way he would hug her as tightly as he could.

He was so nervous and giddy, that he just couldn't wait anymore.

He jumped to the girl's house, swiftly knocking on the door, knowing how much trouble Y/n got in when he jumped straight to her room.

The door opens the reveal Mrs. Y/l/n, her eyes glowing and her apron dusted with flour. She gives Five a warm smile. "Oh hello Five. Y/n is upstairs in her room. Don't mind me, just doing a little baking." She said, opening the door.

Five goes down the hall, his hands fidgeting with the box in the pocket of his blazer.

He knocks on the door and hears a quiet voice, the one belonging to Y/n, say from inside, "Come in."

He opens the door slowly to see Y/n sitting on the cushions by her window, her knees curled to her chest and her arms wrapped around herself watching the outside, her mind drifting elsewhere. Her eyes drift to the boy, he green eyes sparkling.

"Hi bub." She smiles lightly. He goes over and hugs her, and Five buries his face in the crook of her neck, and Y/n plants a soft kiss on the crown of his head before laying her head on top of his.

"How are you doing?" He mumbles, the vibrations from his voice making Y/n smile.

"I'm alright. Not bad, but not great. But I'm feeling better now that you're here." She mumbles. She starts to draw shapes on his back and he places peppering kisses on her neck, coming all the way up to her lips.

He smiles at Y/n, and she gets lost in those beautiful eyes. "I have something for you." He mumbles.

He goes and retrieves the small black box from his pocket, Y/n's breath hitching and her eyes brimming with happy tears.

"Five..." She whispers.

"Y/n Y/l/n, I love you with all my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we're too young to marry, or are even thinking of that, but I know you're the only one of me. Am I yours?" He asks, Five's eyes never leaving hers. He opens the box to reveal the simple ring, and Y/n gasps, her smile widening, making Five smile as well, his dimples show

"Yes!" Y/n says, she cups his cheeks and kisses him with so much love, her lips moving against his, and Five is bursting with love and adoration. They break after a minute or so, leaving them both breathless. He hugs her again, his nose brushing the skin beneath her ear, his hair tickling Y/n's cheek.

She hugs just as tightly, not wanting to let and go and savor this moment forever. It's times like these that Y/n loves the most about their relationship, just hugging and cuddling, and just overall supporting each other. Sometimes, all Y/n needs is a hug from Five, and her bad day gets brighter.

But this time is extra special.

Y/n and Five both know they'll remember this day for the lest of their lives, which the will spend together.

Five pulls away and slips the small ring onto her finger, her left ring finger, right next to her grandma's ring. He looks at the rings on Y/n's hand, the rings complementing each other perfectly. He places a soft kiss on her knuckles, and she leans her head on Five's shoulder, and he brings her waist closer. "I love you Five. Thank you, for everything." She whispers, her  eyes closed.

"I love you too. Thank you for making my life brighter." Five kisses her cheek, making he smile. He tilts her head up and kisses her lips again, Five cupping her cheek and Y/n runs her hands through his hair. She stops at the base of his neck as she pulls away, putting her forehead against Five's.

He jumps them to her bed, lying down with her pressed into his chest as he moves her hair behind her ear, watching her face which has the most beautiful smile on her face.

The door opens and a sweet voice says from behind the door, "Y/n, Five, the cookies are done- oh!" Her mom says as she sees and two of them cuddled up. "Well, if either of you would like any cookies, they'll be downstairs." She says with a teasing smile on her face.

She closes the door and Y/n laughs. Five looks down and she smiles up at him. "You're so handsome." She says, moving a lock of fallen hair from his face.

"You're so beautiful." He responds, squeezing her tightly.

"You wanna get some cookies?" Y/n asks with a smirk.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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