Just Dance

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this is so random and chaotic but I love it.


I walk out of Five's room, one of his blazers draped over my shoulders in the cold house.

I go down to the living room to see Luther fumbling with the TV with a little white box in hand.

"Luther, what are you doing?" I ask, leaning against the door frame and raising and eyebrow.

He turns to spare me a glance before going back to fiddling with the cords. "I got us a Wii." He mumbles.

I let out a laugh. "Your serious?" He nods, a pink cover his cheeks.

"Diego said he was a better dancer than me, and all of our other siblings are biased, so this is how we're going to decide." He states.

"With Just Dance 2016?" I ask as I grab the CD. (reminder, this is present times but with them as 15/16 y/o) I laugh and Luther rolls his eyes.

"WHO'S READY TO RUMBLE!" Klaus shouts from the top of the stairs, in a ridiculous outfit. "Y/n are you ready for the dance battle of the century?" He asks, balling his fist in a fake microphone and holding it in front of my face. "Two fighters enter, only one leaves." He says dramatically.

I roll my eyes. "They aren't fighting to the death." I giggle.

"Or are we?" Diego asks as he struts (yes STRUTS) into the room very confidentially. He cracks his knuckles, then his neck.

"Oh can I pick the song?" I ask excitedly.

"No!" They both shout.

Allison, who had been in the kitchen listening to the whole thing, comes over to the two boys. "I heard a rumor... that you let Y/n pick the song."

She high fives me and I take the controller and scroll through the songs. "Oh my gosh Allison do you have any, like, fans?" I say, showing her the song selection.

"Are you serious Y/n? We need a good like, Hip hop song!" Diego whines.

"Hush child."

Allison comes back with four fans, and I selected the song "Hey Mama," the geisha version.

"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first ever Hargreeves dance off!" Klaus exclaims. "This will be the first of three rounds, where the boys are dancing to Hey Mama!"

Allison, Ben, Vanya and I sit on the couch an cheer loudly.

"Let the games, begin!" Klaus shouts.

The boys 'battle' and the rest of us cheer for them.

"That was great boys! Now for the second round, since you are battling, we're gonna do the angry birds song!" Klaus shrieks, getting an extra remote. "I'm gonna be the pig!" m

After choosing their characters, Luther as the black bird and Diego as the red, they dance in a battle-like way.

"Y/n where's your boyfriend?" Klaus asks me after the second dance.

I shrug. "Probably still sleeping." I say.

"Well, we are making a lot of noise-"

"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" Five teleports in front of us, making everyone jump.

"Oh, brother, just in time for the final round!" Klaus claps. "The irish meadow dance!" Klaus exclaims.

He pulls me up, handing Five and I controllers. "Klaus what the-"


"But Klaus, Diego and I aren't a couple" Luther interjects.

"WELL TOO BAD YOURE DANCING TOGETHER NOW!" Before anyone can argue, Klaus pushes play.

I shrug and take Five's hand, mostly messing up the steps, and we dance with Luther and Diego who are grumbling the whole time.

After dancing, the scores are presented. "In fourth place... the amazing Y/n!" Klaus announces. I bow dramatically and the other three siblings give me a standing ovation.

"Thank you, Thank you!"

"In third place... Luther?!??" He cries in disbelief. "Wait, Five beat him?"

Five shrugs and we all laugh. "He is to heavy in his feet." He snickers.

"I'm second place.... OH MY GOSH ITS DIEGO!" Klaus screeches and we all go crazy.

"FIVE YOU WON!" I cry. He stands there in disbelief.


"Damn." Diego says.

"That's right bitches! My boyfriend is the best!" I scream.

We all laugh Five just stands there with a smug smile on his face.

I kiss his nose and I laugh at his expression.

He's got the sass alright.


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