A Glimpse

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Description: You have the power to see a few seconds into the future. Not unlike Five's time travel, Reginald won't let you push yourself to see more than a few seconds, for fear of what you would see. You and Five are also dating.

Warnings: cursing. death...

this is going to be in second person hehehe


You were sitting in your room, legs crossed, a look of concentration etched upon your face. You closed your eyes and pushed yourself to see.

You appear in a building, your sibling and your future self fighting in a battle. There are a few guys left, you and Allison fighting a guy while Luther, Ben, Diego, and Five are all on their own.

You watch curiously as future you and Allison take down the guy. You see yourself look to the doorway, the familiar gleam goes over your eyes as you notice your powers in action.

Future you yelps and sprints over to Five, just as the man in the doorway aims a gun and fires. You scream as your future self falls to the floor. Five runs over and clutches you, tears streaming down his face. Luther quickly takes out the others and they all rush to your side.

You run out of the building, unable to watch the scene any longer. You run out to a newspaper stand and your heart drops.

The date was tomorrow.

Tomorrow you were going to die.

You flash back to the present as sobs take over your body.

"Shit." you whisper

1st Person POV

A thought comes to mind. I die saving the one I love. And I want to spend my last day with him.

I stand up and walk to his room. He is sitting in his bed reading a book. He looks up and smiles.

I walk over and sit down next to him, and lean my head on his shoulder and he places a kiss on my head. "What's wrong, love?" He asks quietly.

I look up and see him looking at me with so much love in his eyes that I could burst. I kiss his lips and smile at him. "Nothing."

I cup his face and bring his lips to mine. He kisses back and I swing my leg over so that I'm straddling him. I tangle my finishers in his hair as he wraps his arms around me. I smile into the kiss as it quickly becomes heated.

As I'm making out with Five I hear a help from the door. We turn to see Ben run away as he shouts "Ahhhh! My virgin eyes!"

He burst out laughing and I cuddle into Five's side. I kiss his jawline and see him smile. "Not that I'm complaining, but what's with all the attention?" He asks.

I kiss his lips again. "Can't I kiss the boy I love?"

He smirks at me. "That's fine with me."

~ Time skip to Tomorrow brought to you by The Little Orphan Annie ~ (a/n yes i did capitalize that)

The mission alarm sounded and my stomach dropped. I awoke in Five's arms. I brushed his hair away from his forehead. I placed a soft kiss on the skin and whispered, "Love, it's time to get up. We have to go on the mission." I had to fight back tears. I kissed his cheek. "Five, Love, come on." I kissed his other cheek, "Wake up." I kissed his lips and he kisses back and smirks. "Good morning sleepy head. Come on, father will yell at us if we stall any longer."

We quickly get ready and head to the mission sight. As we walk, I entwine our fingers and he must've seen the fear on my face. "It's alright love. We'll be fine." I couldn't look at him.

We got to the sight and my stomach dropped. I know I had to die. Otherwise Five would. I can't live without him.

The fighting starts between the men and us, and soon there as five guys left. Allison and I are battling one, and the boys have one each. Allison snaps the guys neck and I turn, and sure enough, I see a guy walk in. I use my powers and sure enough, he shoots Five. au whimper and run over to protect Five.

The man points his gun and fires.

I jumps between Five and feel a burst of pain and heat travel through my body and I hit the floor hard.

"Y/n!" Five yells and runs to me. He places my head in his lap and he tries to put pressure on the wound.

The other take out the men and crowd around us, all with tears in their eyes. I take Fives face in my hand. He is crying and I plant a kiss on his hand. "Five,"

"Y/n, are you stupid? Why would you do that? Why?" He starts sobbing and I see Allison cry into Luther. "You saw it happen? Didn't you? You should have let me die dammit!"

"Five." I say again. "It's ok. It'll be ok."

"No it's not ok. You're dying! I'm going to lose you!" He sobs.

I kiss his lips and rest my forehead against his. "You'll never lose me. I'll always be right here. I promise." I start coughing and my eyelids start to feel heavy.

"No! no no no! Just look at me. Don't talk! Save your breath and stay alive!" He pleads.

I look at him one last time. "I love you Five."

I let the sleep take over me and I feel all warm and fluttery. I get pulled away on a beam of light and feel my body slip away.

Hello lovelies. Sorry for the sad one, but am i really sorry? Just so you guys know, I have started school, so I will try to update at least every other day, but sorry if I can't. High schools stressful. I hope y'all are doing all right stay safe 💕💕

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