I missed that

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sad chapter ahead cuz your girl's majorly depressed rn :')

don't mind the 1st and 2nd person pov changes.

I lie awake as I wait for Five to get back from a mission. Late. Again.

I hear the door open and I try to keep my breathing even. I hear him strip and change, getting into bed. I hold my breathe in anticipation.

But he doesn't do anything. I let out my breath.

Doesn't pull me close and whisper i'm sorries. Doesn't say goodnight. No I love you. Nothing.

But why would it be any different?

That last few weeks, months even, he started talking to you less and less, giving you less attention.

He used to call you when he was getting done later than anticipated, coming home and giving you apology kisses and cuddles until morning. Then it turned into just apology cuddles when you were half asleep from waiting for so long, to nothing at all.

You waited for his breathing to even out before you let the tears run down your face.


I awake, rubbing my eyes to find my boyfriend gone.

I grumble and see him writing note at the desk. Without a word, I go and take a quick shower. After changing into sweats and a baggy T-shirt, I come back out to see that Five hasn't moved.

I sigh. "Five, baby, can you come cuddle. I'm lonely." I pout, trying to get a reaction.


I go and wrap my arms around his neck, just for him to push me off. I scoff and a few tears fall, finally snapping.

"Fine. You don't want me here? I'll leave." I say, not bothering to grab anything.

"Wait, what?" He askS, finally snapping away from his work.

I walk down stair at a fast pace, Five behind me. "Y/n- wait! Where are you going?" He yells, spatial jumping in front of me.

I push past him in attempt to get to the front door. "Away from you." I mutter, but I see his eyes freeze, glazing over slightly.

"Why?" He asks quietly.

"Why? Why do you think? You don't give two shits about me, that's why!" I scream.

"Y/n that's not-"

"Oh but we both know it is. Do you know how many times I've cried myself to sleep? How many times I've longed from you to just hold me and show you that you love me? Five can you tell me the last time we kissed?" I pause, waiting for him to answer. He doesn't. "When was the last time we hugged?" I ask, desperately.

"Y/n, baby, I'm sorry I didn't realize," He says, cupping my face.

I push his hands off. "But see, that's the problem. You don't realize. You don't pay attention to me anymore!"

He freezes, his grip slackening. His tears finally breaking free.

I blink and look away from his heartbroken expression. "You know the worst part? I stayed. I tried to tell myself that you still cared." I whisper, more tears streaming down my face.

"Oh how I wanted you to show me. Tonight, I would think, tonight, he's going to come home, and he's gonna put his arms around me and tell me he loves me, but that night never came."

I step closer, pressing my lips to his one final time, getting a final taste of Five Hargreeves. I kiss him lightly trying not to break him, or me, anymore than i already have.

I step back and both of our tears are un-stoppable.

I push past him and put my hand on the doorknob.

"Y/n, I love you." He cries.

I gasp and freeze, my breathe hitching in my throat.

He looks at me with a little, tiny, spark of hope. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing," I smile sadly, his body visibly deflating. "It's just... I missed hearing that."

I take his knuckles and kiss them one last time. "Goodbye, Five."

I open the door and walk out into the sunny day, the exact opposite of my mood, the tears streaming down my face as I walk away from the Umbrella Academy and Five, for what I hope it the last time.

Part two?

Ill post the QandA, i'm just waiting a bit for more questions. In case there are any.

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