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Description: You are at a Masquerade ball, and little do you know, the umbrella academy is here too.


I stand off to the side of the dance floor, watching the couples move in harmony to the song. I lean against my table and sigh.

No one to dance with means I don't get to dance.

I see seven teens enter with one very old looking dad. I see a blonde boy tug a girl onto the dance floor, while the four remaining go to another table.

It is a masquerade ball, so I can only see their eyes and the bottom halves of their faces, but they seem familiar.

One of the boys intrigued me. One with green eyes and very dark brown hair, almost black.

I stared at the boy in wonder. I think I've seen him before, but I can't place my finger on it.

He turns his head, scanning the room. He sees me starting and locks eyes with me.

He says something to the others and makes his way across the room. He comes my table and leans against it with me. "It's rude to stare." He says, taking a drink from the glass in his hand.

"I've seen you before, haven't I?" I asked the boy.

"I don't know. A lot of people have seen me. But I do feel like I've met you before. He says, his green eyes staring into mine. "Care to join me for a dance?" He extended his hand and his lips turned into a smirk.

I giggle and looked at him. "Sure. Why not?" I grab his hand and drag him to the dance floor.

The music starts and it's a basic ballroom dance. (i'm picturing the yule ball and i'm laughing really hard) The boy know what he's doing. He turns and spins me at the all right moments.

"You look like you know what you're doing." I say as the song slows a bit, to a normal waltz.

"Well, my father did make us all take lesson." He sighs.

"Same here." I smile at him. "But it does help to have a partner who knows what they're doing, especially when you have two left feet ."

"Yeah, I do make you look better." He says sarcastically. We both laugh a little. "Oh, I never did catch your name." He says as we dance around the room.

"Y/n." I smile.

"Five." He smiles back.

"Unique. I like it." I nudge his shoulder.

He blushes and laughs. "Not many people think that. A lot of people think it's weird."

"I like weird." I feel myself blush, and I'm very thankful my mask covers my cheeks. His, on the other hand, covers just the skin around his eyes.

A slow song came on, one that was meant for couples, and I blush again, although Five doesn't seem to notice.

Five places his arms on my waist and I put my arms around his neck, Five's cheeks getting a darker shade.

"I'd really like to know who the girl under the mask is." He asks.

I giggle. "Let's get out of here and find out."

He looks back to his father and scoffs. "Fuck it."

I grab his hand and we run towards the back door. As soon as we get outside, I take my mask off. Five look at me in shock. "It's rude to stare." I mock him.

He rolls his eyes and we continue running until we get to a park. I chuck off my heels and take off my dress to reveal a tank top and shorts. I climb up the tree, Five close on my tail. "Do you always wear clothes under your dress?" He asks

"Yeah! So I don't have to change once I get home." I reply once we get to a comfortable branch. I shiver in the cold night air. "Although it probably wasn't the best idea to not bring a jacket." I mutter.

I feel fabric being draped on my shoulders. I look to see a blushing Five without a mask. "Well Aren't you a little gentleman!" I say smirking at him. "Come sit next to me."

He crawls over the branch and sits down. I lean my head on his shoulder and he leans his head on mine.

Best night ever

So um...
i wrote a few st imagine/preferences...
those might be out???
I don't know if i'll post them...
Maybe?? See ya 😬

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