2 - I'm niall

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Tuesday September 5th 1995

louis and harry: 3 years old


it's day two of their first school year. harry and louis are sat crossed legged on the ground waiting for the rest of the kids to come into the classroom. they stay holding hands, they hardly let go. 

a loud smack is heard at the doorway and all heads turn to see a brunette boy on the ground.

"I'm okay, I just fell" 

he shouts to everyone, who is looking at him, as he struggles to his feet

"oh niall, are you okay baby" 

"I'm fine mummy" 

everyone giggles and so does the boy as he looks around. harry and louis turn their attentention back to each other and carry on their conversation about trains. 

said conversation is interupted by a boy sitting next to them.

"hi! I'm niall" 

louis and harry look at the boy sitting in front of them. he has bright blue eyes and light brown hair covering his forehead and some of his eyes. he uses both his small hands to wipe the hair away and smiles at the two boys holding hands.

"I'm louis"

"and I'm harry"

they turn their bodies so they are properly facing the new boy and smile at him. 

"do you want to be friends?"

niall asks and twiddles his fingers. 

"yes we would" 

harry answers for them and they both smile, gaining a bright smile from niall in return. the three boys talk about their favourite colours, toys and tv shows until niall turns his head to the doorway.


he shouts and harry lets go of louis hands to cover his little ears. louis' face fills with worry at the loss of harry's hand but he calms a bit when he sees harry. 

niall scrambles to his feet and runs over to the slightly taller boy and engulfs him in a big hug. harry removes his hands from his ears and louis takes his hand back.

"look li look, I made some friends" 

niall drags the boy over by his wrist and sits him down next to them. he shyly smiles and fiddles with his fingers in his lap.


he says quietly and harry gives him his dimpled smile. 

"so your name is liam?" 

louis sassily asks and nods his head at the clearly shy boy.

"I'm louis and this is harry"

harry gently hits louis arm and scowls

"loulou, I can say my own name"

the boys laugh, including liam, at harry.

"I'm harry"

they break out in laughter again, before the teacher shushes them because it's time to start the day. 

she tells them that they are going to spend the morning building with lego before break. just as she's about to dismiss the kids when the door opens again. a dark haired boy walks in and approaches the teacher.

"sorry miss"

the teacher nods her head and points at a spare place on the gorund, the boy makes his way to the corner of the room and sits down, a large frown falls onto his face as he looks at his hands in his lep. he's sitting all alone.

the teacher directs all the kids to the lego and the room breaks out into chaos almost immidiately. leggo is all over the floor and tables as all the children scramble to get lego pieces. harry drops one of his lego pieces and turns around to pick it up, and he notices the boy still sitting alone on the floor. 

"look after this for me loulou?" 

louis nods and holds harry's little creation tightly in his hand. he turns to watch where harry is going, he doesn't want to lose him.

harry walks up to the dark haired boy and taps his shoulder.

"why are you alone?"

"because I don't know anyone" 

"well I'm harry. now you know me"

"I'm zayn" 

harry held his hand out to zayn for him to take, and he did. louis was watching the whole scene unfold and he couldn't help but get a little angry because someone else was holding his hazzy's hand. 

harry pulled zayn over to the table with all the lego and showed the boys his new found friend. 

"louis, niall, liam, this is zayn" 

zayn waved his little hand at them and they all wave back

"I'm niall"

"I'm liam"

"I'm louis"

zayn lets harry's hand go and picks up some lego to build something. harry turns to louis to ask for his lego back but he's met with a scowl.

"what's wrong loulou?"

louis doesn't say anything. he just gives harry his lego back and grabs his free hand. harry squeezes his hand and smiles at louis.

"only I can hold your hand"

harry nods his head and kisses louis nose. louis smiles once again and kisses harry's forehead.

their hands stay connected whenever possible, for a second day.

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