11 - hazza☀️

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Friday 31st August 2007

louis and harry: 15





yes lewis

can I ask you smth?

of course you can boo

do you want to go on a date tomorrow?

lou! you got me all scared!

sorry sorry

yes I would love to go on a date with you boobear. where?

that's for me to know and you to find out

ugh you're so annoying. I want to know now

well you're not going to. you'll have to wait until tomorrow

eugh fine. what time?

I'll get you at 11 okay?

yes that's great. I don't need to ask mum

hehe she already knows


yeah I told my mum and she obviously told anne

oh yeah true, that's their main topic now innit, talking about us

yeah it really is. we have to do something about that

they aren't going to stop boo there's no point. they've been wanting this just as long as we have, maybe longer

they're more invested in us than we are

I hope that's not true😪

no haz it's not. you're constantly on my mind. you're practically all I think about

oh lou stop it, you're making me blush

I hope your dimples have made an appearance


yay I love them *pokes*

and I love when you do that

I know you do. that's why I do it

I'm really excited now

as you should be. it's going to be such a good first date, you'll love it

stop it lou because now I really want to know

haha sorry haz I'll stop now

can you call, or come over. I wanna cuddle

I can maybe sneak around. but only for a few hours because mum needs help making breakfast tomorrow, dad has an early shift

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