15 - firsts

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**louis' POV**

"I-I'm ready"

"ready for what sun?"

"I want to be with you lou, in every way"

he gently tugs at my shirt and I lean down to whisper in his ear.

"are you positive sun?"

"never been so sure. I've been thinking about it a lot and I know you'll keep me safe, and I trust you"

"I never done it either haz so we're both in the dark here"

"that's perfect then. we can learn together"

I smile at him as I take his lips again.

"have you got lube and a condom?"

he shyly nods his head and a bright pink blush takes over his cheeks.

"awh haz were you all prepared"

I pout at him and he lightly punches my chest.

"oh shut up"

I laugh a little before wrapping my arms aorund his waist and kissing him on his perfect plump lips. I move my hands down to his bum and tap it, asking him to jump up. he wastes no time in locking his ankles above my bum, allowing me to carry him up the stairs and to his room.

I shut the door behind us and drop him onto the bed so I can take off my shirt. he takes off his and soon enough we are left in our school trousers. he sits up and brings his hands to fumble with my button and zip.

"get these off"

he says while ripping them down my legs. I move my hands down to his groin to take his trousers off too. now we are both in our boxers, admiring each other. harry takes my hips and sways them in figure eights.

"mmm lou you're so fit"

"me? haz have you seen yourself?"

I climb over him and place my knees next to his sides. his hands lay gently on my hips as I smooth my hands all over his chest and abs.

"look at you haz. all ready and waiting, I can't wait to be inside you"

"hmmm neither can I. the lubes in the top drawer"

I lean down and kiss his lips, while grinding hard onto his member. he moans into my mouth and grinds up to try gain more friction. I reach over and take the lube out along with a condom, not letting the fact the lube is half empty go unnoticed.

"oh harold's been busy I see"

I look away from the lube and look at the flustered boy under me.

"what have you been up to?"

"I wanted to know what it was like before we did it"

I lean down and peck his lips.

"don't worry love, I did the same"

he lets out a breath and I chuckle at him. he really though I'd care. sweet.

I move down his body and take his boxers with. his semi hard dick slaps his stomach as I disgard his boxers. it's nothing I haven't seen before, we've given each other blow jobs and hand jobs, so it's not new. I take it in my hands and start pumping as fast as my wrist lets me.

"unngh lou p-please, I n-need it"

I take my hand away and open the lube. his head springs up to look at me and I smile the most innocent smile I can.

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