14 - I'm ready

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Friday 16th July 2010

louis, harry, niall and zayn: 18

liam: 17


**harry's POV**

we have finally finished year 13. we've done all our A-levels and now we just have to wait for our results, but we can relax. I am going to spend as much time as I can with louis and the rest of the boys and we are just going to chill, before the stress of uni is on us.

louis and I are walking towards my car, hand in hand like we do everyday. and as usual noah is standing by his car waiting for us to walk out so he can ridicule us. we have learnt to ignore it and brush it off, but today, I'm not having it. he says things like;

"awh look, it's the gays"

"oh the homos are here"

"oi its the faggots"

they really hurt and sometimes it's hard to just ignore, so louis helps cheer me up, and I help cheer him up, but I'm gonna finally tell him exactly what I think about all this.

"I'll be back in a second boo"

I kiss his cheek and try to release my hand but he squeezes it.

"he's not worth it haz"

he gives me a sympathetic look. I know he's not, that's why I'm going to make him realise that the way he's acting is pathetic.

"I know boo, but he's hurt us both too much, he needs to stop"

he nods his head and lets my hand go.

"oi noah"

his head shoots in our direction and I watch panic appear on his features. neither of us have ever spoken back to him, and I bet he isn't expecting me to be the first one. I can feel louis presence behind me and I know he is itching to take my hand, so I reach mine behind me and let him take it.

"how about you shut it with all the disgusting comments and slurs towards us, and anyone else. you're being childish and pathetic, we are all adults now and you are still ridiculing us for loving someone of the same gender. how fucking old are you? you can throw all this shit at us as much as you want, but it's not going to make me love louis any less. so just grow up okay? you're probably gay yourself but you're too much of a pussy to admit it, or maybe it's because you don't actually like pussy"

I throw one of the very first comments he said to us right back at him. I know I am being just as rude as he has been but I need to get this off my chest, I need to get him to stop, and this is the only way I can think of to do it. he's not the kind of person who will change with a stern talking to, you need to shout it at him and make him see that what he is doing is wrong.

louis steps forward so he's standing next to me. I watch as many different thoughts and emotions go through noah's eyes. I've really got him stumped now. it's louis' turn to say something now.

"noah it is really stupid that ever since we started dating, all you have ever done is belittle us. you hardly do it to anyone else, which is actually good, I'd rather us get it than anyone else, but why? you were never like this in year 7"

noah looks down and I can see a little amount of guilt. he looks back up and fiddles with his fingers. before I can even realise what's happening, I'm being pushed aside by noah.

**third person POV**

noah launches forward and rips louis' hand away from harry's while pushing the curly haired lad away. louis moves back but can't stop the taller guy from pulling him into himself to capture his lips with his own. he holds louis firmly and doesn't let him escape. he moves his lips on louis' but louis stays still. he can't move.

louis' lips are moved by the chapped pair on his. he hates it. he cannot stand it. he wants his boyfriends smooth plump lips, not noah's average sized and chapped lips. he wants harry.

louis is finally pulled away from his worst nightmare by and furious harry. noah stumbles back and lands on his car.

"what the fuck?"

harry strides towards noah but stays a good foot away from him. he's not about to hurt the guy. louis runs up to harry and places his small hand on harry's bicep in an attempt to stop him.

"I-I- I'm sorry I j-us-"

"you what?"

noah goes silent and shrinks back into his car. harry is towering over him and louis is cowering behind harry and wiping his lips on his shirt. he doesn't want the taste of another boys lips on his, he only wants harry's.

"so you are gay? you've been bullying us because you like louis?"

"yes okay? I've liked louis since year 8 and I had b-been trying to figure out how to a-ask him out, then I saw how c-close you guys were and then you were on a d-date. I just got really j-jealous"

harry's eyes widen as he looks at noah.

"that's not an excuse to be homophobic towards us"

"I know I'm really sorry"

"I'm sorry too. I can't help that I don't like you noah, I love harry. you'll find someone who loves you just as much as you love them one day. but I'm not the one for you, I'm sorry"

harry turns to louis and watches as his boyfriend calmly explains everything to noah. he loves him so much.

"I'm really sorry. both of you, I've acted horribly over the years. I'm learning to get over it and accept myself. I'm sorry again, especially you lou"


harry grumbles back.

"haz calm down"

"sorry, uhm louis, I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't fair on you, either of you. I'm sorry"

"it's okay"

louis answers and both pairs of eyes turn to harry.

"yeah it's okay. just don't go kissing other people's boyfriends, you might end up with a fist to the face or worse"

all three boys chuckle.

"yeah you're right. sorry again"

"it's okay. we're gonna go now"

"yeah me too"

harry and louis walk over to their car, hand in hand, while noah climbs into his car and drives home.

**louis' POV**

we drive back to our houses and step out the car once we're there. we go over to harry's because anne and gemma have gone out for the weekend. we walk in and just as I close the door behind me, harry throws me against it and starts hungrily kissing me which I easily reciprocate.

he moans into my mouth as he slips his tongues past my wet lips. my hands reach his hair and I greedily pull at his curls while his hand slide up my shirt and dip into the dimples in my back at the bottom of my spine. I arch my back and we both let out throaty moans.

he harshly grinds down onto me, giving me the knowledge that his dick is just as hard as mine. I hesitantly pull away.

"h-haz, what's got you all w-worked up?"

"you're mine, no one else's. mine"

I nod my head as he take my lips with his again. I flip us so I'm in control. I grind him into the wall while my hands work on his hair. I open his mouth with my lips and take his tongue between them. he lets out a particularly loud moan and I smile. I love this. I pull away again and look him in the eyes.

"sun, should we do this on the couch?"

"n-no. I mean, what about my room?"

he's gone all shy again. he looks down and I smile at my nervous boy.

"what do you mean haz?"

"I-I'm ready"

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