16 - epilogue

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Friday February 1st 2013

louis and harry: 21


**louis' POV**

it's harry's birthday today, so we decided to take the weekend off from uni and come back home. we're currently driving off the motorway and onto the windy roads that lead to Doncaster. my hand is holding the gear stick as harry sleeps soundly next to me. I'll occasionally rub my hand over any part of him that I can reach, because I just can't keep my hands off him.

a quarter of an hour later and we're pulling up to our houses that have the smallest gap keeping them apart. I turn off the engine and look at my gorgeous sleeping boyfriend. he looks so peaceful and content in his slumber and I hate to ruin it, but his mum and sister probably want to see him.


I gently shake his shoulder so I don't wake him up too suddenly. it doesn't work so I move my hand to his face and cup the one cheek as softly as I can. I lean in and place a small kiss on his lips and I feel him carefully stir.

"good morning baby, nice nap?"

I move away so I can give him space to stretch and he smiles at me.

"home already?"

I nod at him and kiss his forehead which earns me a hum in response. I climb out the car and run around to his side knowing that once I open his door he's going to want to be carried into the house. sure enough when I open the door, he shoves his legs out, opening them while making grabby hands. my haz, who is taller, bigger and stronger than me, still asks to be carried, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wrap my arms around his torso as his wrap around my neck, letting his face be buried into my neck. he locks his ankles above my bum and I step away from the car, kicking it to shut the door. we can get everything later. I move my hands to under his bum and hold both his cheeks.

"watch yourself there lou, I'm not about to do that while yours and my family are in the house"

he whispers into my ear before placing many kisses on the skin under it.

"if you keep at that, I might just have to let them all know how hard I'm fu-"

"louis, harry you're back!!"

I hear anne's cheery voice cut me off and I feel harry's face get hot. he lifts his head off my neck and turns to look at his mother.

"oh harry you're 21 now, why are you making louis carry you?"

"no anne it's fine, I like carrying him. he's my baby"

anne's face softens as I watch my mum appear from the same door anne did. they were probably all waiting for us at anne's. I place harry on the ground and he gives me a momentary pout. oh how I want to kiss it away, but not in front of both our mums.

we are ushered into anne's house and see a few presents on the kitchen counter. anne quickly shuts the door and pushes us into the lounge so harry can't see anything. I walk behind him and place my hands over his eyes while we guide him into the lounge away from the small pile of presents.


after half an hour of opening presents, the floor is covered in paper, the girls are on their phones or talking and harry is laying against my back as mine is against the couch. I'm just about to drift off when I feel harry's hands push down on my upper thighs and the warmth of his back leave my chest.

"what's wrong sun?"

everyone's faces soften at the look of concern on mine, but I don't tare my gaze away from my perfect love standing in front of me.

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