7 - my boyf-

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Saturday August 25th 2007

louis and harry: 15


**louis' POV**

harry has been on holiday for almost a month and I miss him like crazy. we usually join them when they go on holiday but my mum got a new job which didn't really work to be on holiday for so long when she's only just started there. and when she's at work so is mark so I step up and look after the girls. I would have gone with them but I couldn't leave my sisters with a babysitter who they don't even know. no I couldn't do that.

I've been texting and calling harry practically everyday and I love it, but it's not the same as seeing him. I wonder if he's got a tan or changed at all. I highly doubt it.

it's 2pm as of now, and harry told me he would be home around 3 so I only have a little while longer to wait. I'm playing with daisy and phoebe while lottie and fizzy are upstairs playing with their dolls or makeup or something. the tv is quietly playing random tv shows and I keep glancing at the clock to see if the time is anywhere near 3.


"almost home boo. I missed you so much"

"I missed you more haz. excited to see you"


"we are going to be a little early, maybe 10 minutes less"

"YES!! that's great"


five more minutes oh my god I'm so excited. I have never gone a whole month without harry, this has been killing me. I move from my place on the floor with the girls, to the couch that is in front of the window that leans out into our front garden. I keep my phone clutched tightly in my hand and watch every passing car.


he should be here any second


not yet


"coming up the road now"

"oh my god I'm so excited"



I watch as harry's car pulls up into their driveway. I jump off the couch and run to the door.

"daisy phoebe stay there!"

I shout before sprinting out the house to harry's. I jump over the bushes and run over to the car as harry gets out.

I engulf him in the biggest hug and make him fall back onto the car. I pull him into me as much as I can as he wraps his whole body around mine. "I missed you so much haz" I whisper into his ear as I smell his curly ha- wait curly?

I pull back and look at him.

"haz what? you have kinda curly hair now?"

he smiles and his dimples appear.

"yeah I don't know what happened my hair just started getting curlier by the day"

I bring my hands up to his hair and pull a few strands and let them bounce back. he looks so good wow.

"why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you. you know I've always wanted curly hair"

I put my hand fully in his hair and move it around, massaging him. I still have a massive crush on him and I like him more everyday. these curls have made him so much cuter and I didn't think that was possible. I watch as his eyes roll back and he leans into my hand as I massage his whole head.

"feel nice haz?"

I say with a laugh and he immediately stops and opens his eyes again. he turns tomato red and steps back a bit. one of my arms is still around him so I pull him back to me. I take him in another hug and let myself melt into him. god I missed this feeling.

"god I missed this"

he quietly says into my ear. he pushes one of his hands into the bottom of my hair and fiddles with the slightly longer strands there.

"I know I know I need a hair cut"

he laughs into my shoulder and pulls away to look into my eyes.

"I like it longer. you look good"

I blush from the compliment but I need to hide it.

"well you look even more adorable with curly hair and I didn't think that was quite possible"

he shows me his full dimples and leans in to kiss my cheek. I almost go limp at the feeling. I need to get this crush under control.

"thanks lou"

I kiss his head as I'm still that little bit taller than him.

"harry are you done? we need help and you need to unpack"

harry rolls his eyes and steps out of my arms. I let a frown fall on my face as my arms drop to my sides.

"I would help but daisy and phoebe are in the lounge alone, I can't leave them for too long"

"okay I'll quickly unpack and then I'll be over to help"

"thanks haz"

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek then go back into my own house.


half an hour later, harry walks in and joins me in the lounge on the floor with the girls.


they both shout as he walks in and they jump onto him. all my sisters love him and I couldn't be happier about that. at the mention of his name the other two come hurdling down the stairs. lottie and fizzy jump onto harry as well as the twins and now he is hidden under a pile of young girls.

"can I join?"

I say and laugh.

"no you cannot because then I will really struggle to breathe"

I peel lottie off and place her next to me, before lifting fizzy off too. I grab daisy and place her in my lap while I let phoebe stay in harry's.

we spend the next hour and a half playing with toys and watching tv before I decide I should start dinner for my mum. I get up to go put some hot water on the stove and harry follows.

"what are we doing boobear?"

"I'm going to start dinner for my mum"

I fill a large pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. harry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and leans his chin on my shoulder while I do so.

"what do you want haz? you always get clingy when you want something"

he laughs into my back and places a kiss there.

"I don't want anything I'm just clingy because I haven't seen my boyf- I mean best friend for almost a month"

did he just almost say boyfriend?

**harry's POV*


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