6 - do I like him

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chpater 5 but in louis' POV


**louis' POV**

we've finished our first year of secondary school and it was hectic to say the least. I've been feeling really weird when I'm with harry. he makes me feels weird, but it's a good weird. I've been trying to figure out what is going on with me and if it happens again today I'm going to talk to my mum about it.

harry and I got off the bus and made our way to our houses so we could get our things for our camping. we were going to be camping in the field for the next 6 days and 5 nights. the other boys are coming with us but the first night is just harry and I.

we meet outside a few minutes later with our things ready for the next few days. we spend 2 hours setting everything up before going into the tents and watching friends for a while. about three episodes in and harry started shifting around to get more comfortable.

we were already sat next to each other with the laptop in between us but now harry is leaning on my shoulder with one of his legs draped over mine. it's happening. I feel weird. my stomach flipped and I feel the need to cuddle him more and protect him. what's happening?

we stay as we are for the third episode of friends but now I need to go talk to my mum.

"uhh haz I need to go talk to my mum for a minute, is that alright?"

"of course boo, go. I'll just watch while you're gone"

"thanks haz I'll be back soon"

harry shuffled off me and I left him watching friends in the tent alone. I got to the house and called for my mum quietly. I don't want to wake the twins if they're sleeping. she came out of the lounge and into the kitchen where I was.

"yes boo?"

"can I uh talk to you about something?"

"of course lou what's wrong"

we sat down at the counter and I put my hands in front of me and started messing with my fingers. a nervous habit only my mum and harry have picked up on. my mum gently placed her hands over mine to stop them.

"louis. what's going on"

I took a deep breath and started talking.

"well recently I've been feeling weird around harry. it's not a bad weird I'm just confused because it only happens when I'm around him and a lot of the time it happens when we are cuddling or sleeping. I love him mum but what's happening?"

"okay uhm, what happens? like when you're cuddling or sleeping? how do you feel?"

"well my stomach feels weird and I feel the need to hold and protect him even though we're practically the same age. I get all sweaty and nervous and...giddy? when we hold hands or he kisses my cheek. mum I'm so confused"

"right I'm going to ask you a question and don't be weirded out or not want to tell me because I'm your mum okay?"

I nod my head and await her question.

"do you think any girls are pretty at school? like do you have a crush on any of them?"

I think for a minute. honestly, I don't think any girls are pretty. obviously they are pretty but I'm not attracted to them.

"not really. I don't have a crush on anyone"

"okay, what about boys? do you think any boys are attractive or maybe you could have a crush on them?"

oh god. I do find some boys hot, like Jacob, he is really fit. and tom is kind of hot too. and if I'm being honest with myself, harry is the cutest and hottest person I've ever met. he is perfection and he has the best personality you could have on a person.

I twiddle my thumbs and look down.

"uhm yeah I suppose. some boys are actually kinda hot"

I look up to my mum and see a huge smile spread across her face.

"do you think harry is 'hot'?"

she smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. I do, I really do.

"yeah I do actually"

"is there anything else you think about him?"

"he's not just hot. he's really cute and adorable and I feel the need to protect him from anything and everything. he has such a good personality and I'm probably the luckiest person in the world to be his best friend"

the words 'best friend' physically hurt to say and think about and I knew my mum saw that.

"does it hurt to think of him as your friend?"

I nod at her, not wanting to talk about it.

"what about this. think of harry with someone, he loves them with his whole heart and he proposes. they have a beautiful wedding and soon after they have kids and grow old together. who was he with?"


I say without a millisecond of hesitation. my eyes widen and I look at my mum. she smiles at my and taps my shoulder.

"do I like him?"

"I think you do sweetheart"

wow. I like harry. oh god I like harry. what's he going to think of me? this is bad this is very bad. I start to visually panic and my mum gets up and walks over to me to pull me into a hug. I clutch to her shirt and stand in silence with her. I think about it all for a few minutes before she speaks up again.

"it's okay lou, you can't help who you love, and if you find you are bi, gay, pan or anything, I don't care. you will always be my baby boy no matter who you fall in love with"

she pulls away and looks into my eyes. she kisses my forehead and strokes my cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. I really do have the best mother.

"okay go back to harry, don't leave him all alone now"

I kiss her cheek and run back outside. I can't believe I like harry, how did I not see this. of course I like him, how could you not.


we've been watching the stars for a little while now and we are almost on top of each other. I love doing this sort of thing with harry, we always talk about random and stupid things but it makes it that much more fun. knowing that I like harry makes me want to touch him more or be with him more. I have been touching his hair or his arms or legs as much as I can now and I know he's enjoying it.

he leans into my touch every time and his face goes bright red. it's so much fun. we decide to get into the tent and our sleeping bags because it's getting kind of cold. we watch a few more episodes of friends before we turn in. it's around 1:30am now so we put the laptop away and settle in our spots.

we aren't used to sleeping with our own covers so this is kind of weird.

"haz, are you awake?"

"yeah I can't really sleep"

"it's weird to not be under one cover innit?"

"yeah I'm used to sleeping with you, not next to you"

"come here"

I open my arms and let harry slide over with his sleeping bag around him. he zips his all the way down and I do the same so we can have two big blankets. he snuggles into my chest and I can feel him breathing slowly on my shirt.

"goodnight haz"

I kiss his head as he kisses my chest. this is what we do every time.

"goodnight boobear"

we drift off into sleep as I have the comforting feeling of harry in my arms. I could get used to this being an everyday thing. I want to live my whole life with him.

I really like him.

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