10 - sun

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**harry's POV**


I say breathlessly.


he answers as he laughs. he dives back in and pecks my lips.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long. it feels amazing to kiss you haz"

"I can't quite believe that after 3 years I have finally kissed you"

"and now I can just kiss you"

"we never agreed to that lewis"


"I'm kidding. now that we've kissed, I'm not going to be able to stop"

we laugh together and it feels so good to know I can just kiss him. whenever I want to, just kiss him. I tried to get off louis' lap but he squeezed tighter and huffed at me.

"where are you going haz?"

"my flower crown fell off"

I say with a pout. he looks up and notices that my head is not accompanied by the beautiful flower crown he made for me. he looks around and sees it laying on the grass by where we were rolling around when he was tickling me.

"I got it"

he reaches behind me and grabs it to place it back on my head. he says it's terrible but I love it, because he made it for me. he gently puts the crown back onto my curls and pats my head.

"thank you boobear"

"of course haz"

he pecks my lips and I immediately want more. I lean back in and capture his thin lips with mine and move them together. he slowly opens his legs and lets me sit on the grass in front of him rather than his legs. I wrap my legs together around his waist and he full pulls my whole body onto his.

my arms move from his hair to smooth down his back until I reach the end of his shirt. I slip my hands in and start slightly scratching at the skin there. his arms tighten even more around me and my back arches while a moan slips past my lips.

louis uses this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth where he can find mine. they meet and we instantly voice our pleasure as loud moans escape from both of us. my hands continue to roam his back while his slip past the top of my shorts and hem of my boxers.

"l-louis w-wait"

I pull away from him to look him in the eyes. I do want him, but not yet, I'm not ready.

"oh I'm sorry haz, I was going too fast, I'm sorry"

"no, no, no, it's fine, I'm just not ready for that. we only just admitted it today boo"

"yeah you're right, I'm still sorry"

I peck his lips and rub my knuckles over his cheek.

"it's fine lou"

he smiles at me and I return it, showing him my dimples because I know he'll poke them, and that's what I want him to do.

"I love your dimples haz"

he lifts his hands off my waist and brings them both to poke the little dents in my face. I absolutely love it when he does that. I know I've gone a bright shade of red once he's done it but I don't care.

"what else can I call you?"


"well you call me lou, boo, boobear, but I only call you haz or hazza. I want another name for you"

"oh um..."

we both think for a minute. what can he call me. I watch as he looks up at the crown on my head.



"sun, that's what I can call you. you're the brightest person I've ever met and you are always there. sun. I like it"

I can practically feel the blush appear on my face. I get all hot and giddy.

"I like it too, just like how I like you"

I peck his lips one more time before I realise we've been out here for almost an hour. and just as I'm about to say something, jay's voice interrupts me.


we both turn to look and jay is stood by the back door and waving to us.


louis shouts back and we watch as she turns to go back into the house.

"well we better go then"

"hah she saw us. me sitting on your lap like this"

"haz, she already knows"


"yeah, remember the night we camped out here and I went inside for like 20 minutes?"

my eyes widen as I realise what he's going to say. I nod my head.

"yeah well I told her that I had been feeling different around you and she helped me figure out that I have a crush on you"


"yeah so she knows"

"oh okay then. my mum kinda knows about you too"

I say as I climb off his lap and to my feet. I reach my hand out and help him up and we start walking back to the house with our hands held between us.

"oh does she now?"

"yeah I told her last year and she said she already knew. she could tell by how I looked at you, that it wasn't just wanting to be your friend"

"awh ha- sun, that's adorable"

"don't act like it wasn't the same with you"

"I- yeah that's fair"

we laugh together as we walk into the warm house. the smell of mac and cheese fills both our noses and we smile, knowing we get to eat jay's tasty food tonight.

"hello boys, the foods on the table, I'm just about to bring out drinks. I set you a place harry, next to louis as usual"

jay pokes louis' side and he bends slightly at the tickling sensation. I laugh at him and he releases my hand.

"oh shush haz"

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